Tripp Lite 93-0163 warranty Acautioni

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Seller warrants this product, if used in accordance with all applicable instructions,tobefreefromoriginaldefectsinmaterialand workmanship for its lifetime. If the product should prove defective in material or workmanshipwithin thatperiod, Sellerwill repair orreplacetheproduct, initssolediscretion. Serviceunder thisWarranty,canonlybe obtainedby your delivering or shipping the product (with all shipping or delivery chargesprepaid) to: Tripp Lite,418W. Illinois,Chicago, IL 60610. Seller will pay returnshippingcharges. CallTripp Lite at (312)755-5401before sendingany equipment back for repair.

THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT APPLY TO NORMAL WEAR OR TO DAMAGE RESULTING FROM ACCIDENT, MISUSE, ABUSE OR NEGLECI: SELLER MAKES NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES OTHER THANTHE WARRANTY EXPRESSLY SET FORT^ HEREIN.EXCEPT TOTHE EXTENTPROHIBITEDBY APPLICABLELAW, ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYOR FlTNJ3S, ARE LIMlTEDIN DURATION TO THE WARRANTY PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE; AND THIS WARRANTY EXPRESSLY EXCLUDES ALL INCIDENTAL AND CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES. (Somestatesdonotallowlimitationson how long an implied warranty lasts, and some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This Warranty givesyou specificlegal rights, and you may have otherrights whichvary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction).

Tripp Lite

500 N. Orleans

Chicago, IL 60610

WARNING: The individual user should take care to determine prior to use whether thisdeviceis suitable, adequateor safefor the use intended. Since individual applications are subject to great variation, the

manufacturermakesno representation orwa- to the suitabilityor fitness of these devicesfor any specific application.

policyof ~ r~ i tiseone~of continuous~improvement. Specificationsare subject to change without notice.


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TR1pp&!E7wEaJwm~ a t &a ~ommunicatlon~ i n e

Surge Suppressors

DataShield data/communication line surgesuppressorsare designed to protect data and communicationsequipmentagainstAC transients caused by lightning, electrostatic dischargeand ground surges that enter equipment from the signal linesor chassis ground.

DataShield surge suppressors described here protect virtually any networked equipment using 10baseT, 10base-2 and 10base5 Ethernet, Token Ring,RS232, RS422/423/485,dial-up modems, fax, T-1 lines and most other communicationinterfaces.


To install the DataShield surge suppressor,follow these steps:

1.Makesure the computer,network deviceor other equipmentis logged OFFthe network (if applicable). TurnOFFpower to the equipment.

2.Disconnect the cable from the equipment to be protected.


3.Connect the DataShield surge suppressor directly to the equipment.

4.Attachthe greengroundwire on the surgesuppressordirectly to the protected equipment'schassis: (Datashield surgesuppressorswith " D styleconnectorsdo not provide or require this external grounding).

5.Reconnect the cable to the DataShield surge suppressor.


The DataShield surge suppressormust be properly grounded and positioned as dose as possibleto the equipment tobe protected. For best results,it is required that the length of the signal line and ground wire (if equipped) between the surge suppressor and the protected equipmentbe kept as shortaspossible,not to exceed 12inches(12"). It is best to install the surgesuppressor directly to the equipment, asnoted above.


AsingleDataShieldsurgesuppressorisequivalentto approximatelythreefeet(3') of typical data communidtion cable.


When properly installed,the DataShield surge suppressor will protect againstsurges on the dataline portion of your installation. Additional AC surge suppression/power protectionin theformof anISOBARmsurgesuppressororTrippLiteUPSsystemisstrongly recommended for complete system/network protection. Contact Tripp Lite Customer Service at (312)755-5401for more information.

Image 1
Contents Acautioni Lobase5 thick coax WiresChassis Calines