The Pelco Web Viewer provides quick access to video on the Endura® network without installing or running additional client software. From the Pelco Web Viewer, you can access up to 16 live video feeds, search for recorded video from cameras on the Endura network, and export recordings.
This operations manual is designed to help users access the Pelco Web Viewer interface and view live video, search for recorded video, and export clips from the system manager.
NOTE: The Pelco Web Viewer is designed for light to moderate Endura users. For users accessing Endura in installations with 1,500 cameras or more, use the WS5200 client software.
Figure 1. Pelco Web Viewer Overview
ìPage Tabs: Navigates between pages in the Pelco Web Viewer.
îUser Links: Displays your User name and provides links to Log Off and view documentation for the SM5200.
ïCamera List Panel: Provides options, a list of cameras and viewing options for the page.
ñShared Resources: Provides information about the total resources in use across all users connected to the Pelco Web Viewer.
óVideo pane: Displays video. The selected layout determines how many video panes appear on the page.
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