Sun Microsystems T6300 What the System Console Does, What the Alom System Controller Console Does

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What the System Console Does

The system console displays status and error messages generated by firmware-based tests during system startup. After running those tests, you can enter special commands that affect the firmware and alter system behavior.

After the operating system is booted, the system console displays UNIX system messages and accepts UNIX commands. You can access the system console using the ALOM console command.

What the ALOM System Controller Console Does

The ALOM system controller displays the results of the ALOM boot diagnostics and initialization. If it receives no user input within 60 seconds, the ALOM system controller console automatically connects to the system console. To return to the ALOM system controller, type the console escape sequence #. (Hash-Period).

Using the System Console

To use the system console, you need to attach an I/O device to the server module or the chassis. Initially, you might have to configure that hardware, and load and configure appropriate software as well.

You must also ensure that the system console is directed to the appropriate port, generally, the one to which your hardware console device is attached. You do this by setting the input-deviceand output-deviceOpenBoot configuration variables.

Default System Console Connection Through the Serial Port and Network Management Ports

On your server, the system console comes preconfigured to allow input and output only by means of the ALOM CMT system controller. The ALOM CMT system controller must be accessed either through the serial port or the network management port. By default, the network management port is configured to retrieve network configuration using DHCP and to allow connections using Secure Shell (SSH).

Typically, you connect one of the following hardware devices to the serial port:

Terminal server

Alphanumeric terminal or similar device

TIP line connected to another Sun computer

2 Sun Blade T6300 Server Module Administration Guide • April 2007

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Contents Sun Blade T6300 Server Module Administration Guide Please Recycle Contents Managing RAS Features and System Firmware OpenBoot Configuration Variables Vi Sun Blade T6300 Server Module Administration Guide April Figures Page Tables Sun Blade T6300 Server Module Administration Guide April Preface How This Book Is OrganizedUsing Unix Commands Shell PromptsTypographic Conventions Related DocumentationThird-Party Web Sites Documentation, Support, and TrainingSun Welcomes Your Comments Configuring the System Console Communicating With the ServerWhat the System Console Does Using the System ConsoleWhat the Alom System Controller Console Does Accessing the System Controller Using the Serial PortAccessing the System Console Through a Terminal Server To Use the Serial PortActivating the Network Management Port Establish an Alom system controller sessionTo Access The System Console Through a Terminal Server Open a terminal session on the connecting device, and typeTo Access the System Console Through a TIP Connection Accessing the System Console Through a TIP ConnectionA shell tool window on the Sun system, type Modifying the /etc/remote File If the number displayed by the uname -rcommand is less thanTo Modify the /etc/remote File Sun Blade T6300 Server Module Administration Guide April Network management or Serial management port Alom sc Prompt Access Through Multiple Controller Sessions OpenBoot ok Prompt Reaching the sc PromptMethods to Reach the ok Prompt Graceful ShutdownManual System Reset Alom System Controller break or console CommandL1-A Stop-A Keys or Break Key For More Information About OpenBoot Firmware Obtaining the ok Prompt2Ways of Accessing the ok Prompt To Obtain the ok PromptSystem Console OpenBoot Configuration Variable Settings Sun Blade T6300 Server Module Administration Guide April Managing RAS Features and System Firmware Interpreting System LEDs 1LED Behavior and MeaningControlling the Locator LED TypeAutomatic System Recovery AutoBoot OptionsTo Enable an Automatic Degraded Boot Error Handling SummarySet the switches by typing Reset Scenarios Automatic System Recovery User CommandsEnabling and Disabling Automatic System Recovery To Enable Automatic System RecoveryAt the sc prompt, type At the ok prompt, typeTo Disable Automatic System Recovery Obtaining Automatic System Recovery InformationTo Obtain ASR Information To Unconfigure a Device Manually Unconfiguring and Reconfiguring DevicesTo Reconfigure a Device Manually Displaying System Fault Information To Display System Fault InformationMultipathing Software For More Information on Multipathing SoftwareTo Store Information in Available FRU PROMs Storing FRU InformationAt the sc prompt type OpenBoot Configuration Variables Variable-name Appendix a OpenBoot Configuration Variables Sun Blade T6300 Server Module Administration Guide April Symbols IndexProbe-ide, 14 probe-scsi, 14 probe-scsi-all, 14 showenv Setlocator sc command Sun Blade T6300 Server Module Administration Guide April