TL-WN722N 150Mbps High Gain Wireless USB Adapter
The following table describes the items found on the Current Status screen.
¾Profile Name - This shows the name of current selected configuration profile. The configuration of Profile name will be described on the General tab of Profile Management.
¾Link Status - This shows whether the station is associated to the wireless network.
¾Wireless Mode - Here displays the wireless mode.
¾Network Type - The type of network and the station currently connected are shown here. The options include:
•Infrastructure (access point)
•Ad Hoc
You can configure the network type and wireless mode on the Advanced tab of Profile Management.
¾IP Address - This displays the computer’s IP address.
¾Control Channel - This shows the currently connected channel.
¾Data Encryption - Here displays the encryption type the driver is using. You can configure it on the Security tab of Profile Management.
¾Server Based Authentication - This shows whether the server based authentication is used.