5 Sample Application
The optimal application for the Switch is as a "big pipe" backbone interconnecting file servers with
8 Gig ab it po rts Switc h
Ma il Se rve r
with Gig a b it Ethe rn et Ad a p te r
24 100/10 po rts with 2 Gig a bit p orts switc h
File Se rver
with Gig a b it Eth erne t Ad a p te r
24 ports 100/10Mbps Fast Ethernet Switch
24 ports 10 0/1 0Mb ps Fast Ethern et Switch |
Printer Serve r |
Printe r
5 Port S w itc h
5ports 100 /10Mbps Fast Etherne t Switch
8 ports 100/10Mbps Fast Ethernet Switch
16po rt s 100/ 10M bps Fa st Etherne t Switc h
Wo rksta tio ns with 1 00/10
Fast Ethe rne t Ada p te rs
Wo rksta tions with 100/1 0
Fast Ethernet Ada p ters
Workstations with 100/10 | Workstations with 100/10 |
Fa st Ethernet Ad ap ters | Fa st Ethe rnet Ad ap ters |