Sybase IQ 12.4.0 installation instructions Using a .odbc.ini file, Stopasiq utility

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Using a .odbc.ini file

Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0

If Adaptive Server IQ does not detect the presence of an ODBC driver manager, it will use ~/.odbc.ini for data source information. Otherwise, it will query the driver manager for data source information.

9.1.9 Using a .odbc.ini file

The following corrections apply to “Using ODBC data sources on UNIX,” in

Chapter 2 of the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance Guide.

When creating a .odbc.ini file on any UNIX system, you must use the long form of each identifier, as follows:

[My Data Source]





The database server looks for the .odbc.ini file in:

1The directory specified by the ODBCHOME environment variable

2The directory specified by the HOME environment variables

3The path

The database server ignores the ODBC_HOME, ODBC_INI and ODBCINI environment variables.

9.1.10 stop_asiq utility

The stop_asiq utility is new for version 12.03.1. Use this command to shut down an Adaptive Server IQ server and close all user connections to it.

When you issue the stop_asiq command, Adaptive Server IQ lists Adaptive Server IQ processes for your user ID and asks if you want to stop them. For example:

express@janed> stop_asiq

Checking system for ASIQ 12

Servers ...


following 1


were found.







janed 6331 1 1 14:42:21 pts/1 0:19 asiqsrv12 @/express1/users/janed/sybase/asiq12/demo/asiqdemo.cfg /express1/user

Do you want to stop the above process(es) <Y/N>?


Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX

Image 18
Contents Release Bulletin Adaptive Server IQ For Digital Unix Product summaryRequired Operating System Patches Required Operating System Patches Adaptive Server IQRestrictions Adaptive Server IQ Converting 12.0.x databases toRelease Bulletin for Digital Unix Following outer join format is supported Installation Instructions Setting the Ldlibrarypath Environment VariableDocumentation for this version Obtaining query plans Accessing Current Release Bulletin InformationSpecial migration instructions Go to support.sybase.comChanged functionality in this version Changed functionality in Adaptive Server IQImproved stored procedure output Adaptive Server IQ Known problems Adaptive Server IQ Stopasiq utilityAdaptive Server IQ Queries Temporary tables in proceduresData definition 1 ANY, SOME, and ALL subquery supportOutput to file in Dbisql Adaptive Server IQ OperationsLarge in subqueries Changing length of Dbisql column valuesUnsupported terminal types cause Dbisql error User-defined variable issueDbspawn Error when starting a server User-defined variable issue Adaptive Server IQAdd Service utility installed only with Server Components Problems with Add User-defined Data Type wizardDSE not installed on Windows client systems Notification message setting omitted from Index PropertiesStartup, shutdown, and connection Documentation updates and clarificationsProduct compatibilities Data Type column in Table Editor retains focusAdditions to the startasiq or asiqsrv12 command-line options Specifying server switchesUsing -v switch on 64-bit platforms Gm command line optionGn command-line option Gm command line option Adaptive Server IQUsing Odbc connectivity with Unix Confirming connectionsAdaptive Server IQ Confirming connections Using a .odbc.ini file Using a .odbc.ini file Adaptive Server IQStopasiq utility Addition to Stop Database statement Adaptive Server IQ Addition to Stop Database statementError in Dbstop example Adaptive Server IQ Error in Dbstop exampleConfiguration files do not accept quotes Disconnect details omittedData definition DDL Switch must be uppercaseAdaptive Server IQ Switch must be uppercase Change to Create Database statementJoint Virtual Table JVT definition LowDisk functions as HighGroupColumn Limit Correction IQ database file paths must be uniqueError on Create Dbspace Error documenting IQ PathError in raw partition limit Adaptive Server IQ Error documenting IQ PathSize clause of Create Dbspace Addition to Drop Database statementSize clause of Create Dbspace Adaptive Server IQ Changes to Using join indexes Recommended index typesAdaptive Server IQ Recommended index types Changes to Using join indexes Adaptive Server IQ Id custid idlnameAdaptive Server IQ Changes to Using join indexes Error in Diskstriping default Data manipulation DMLAdaptive Server IQ Default Support for joins between stores or databasesNew and changed general database options New and changed general database options Adaptive Server IQAdaptive Server IQ Description InsertnumberrowsperrawiobufferCorrections to Insert Location Description Adaptive Server IQNumber* function not supported String function Repeat is supportedCorrection to Char function Adaptive Server IQ String function Repeat is supportedUsing Isnull and Coalesce Adaptive Server IQ Backup and system administrationUsing Isnull and Coalesce New options for reserving spaceChange to error message Insufficient disk spaceForced recovery and leaked space recovery Effect of checkpoints Adaptive Server IQStorage within the database as in use Dbccoption option Spiqcheckdb Set dbccoption to 2, as a temporary option Improved output in stored procedures New Stored Procedure ColumnsMinpasswordlength option Spiqstatus now displays IQ Page SizeTransaction Log utility Maintaining a transaction log or mirror Error message for buffer cache settings Setting PrefetchBufferLimit optionGrant Connect for existing user ID Documentation on Data Backup and Recovery Dropping users may delete tablesChanges to Backup statement Cleaning up after abnormal exitMonitoring server activity Client applications Using PC client applicationsCreating attribute tables for PowerBuilder Help filesTechnical Support Adaptive Server IQ plug-in help reflects Multiplex supportOther sources of information Sybase Certifications on the