Duplicated images
Partial image or incorrectly displayed image
Image is unstable and flickering
Image is scrolling
Touch does not work
There is a problem with your graphics adapter or display unit. Contact your service representative.
Check whether the resolution of your computer is higher than that of the LCD touchmonitor.
Check that the video cable from the monitor has been securely and correctly connected to the video connector at the rear of the computer.
Reconfigure the resolution of your computer to make it less than or equal to 1280 x 1024. See Appendix A for more information on resolution.
Check and reconfigure the touchmonitor mode of the vertical refresh rate of your graphic card to make it compatible with the LCD touchmonitor.
Check that the display resolution and frequency from your PC or graphic adapter is an available mode for your monitor. You can check this through the Windows Control Panel. From the Control Panel click on Display, then Settings.
Make sure the VGA signal cable (or adapter) is well connected.
Check and reconfigure the display mode of the vertical refresh rate of your graphic card to make it compatible with the LCD touchmonitor.
Make sure the touchscreen cable is securely connected at both ends.