InFocus LS110 manual FCC Warning, Canada, Safety Certifications

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FCC Warning











Safety Certifications


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Contents User’s Guide Page Safety Certifications FCC WarningCanada Australian Certification C-tick mark Trademarks Declaration of ConformityTable of Contents Maintenance & Troubleshooting AppendixIndex Hduwkjurxqgwhuplqdo VDYHDOOVDIHW\LQVWUXFWLRQVFRXOGUHVXOWLQSHUVRQDOLQMXU\ $QDUURZSRLQWLQJWRWKHODPSGRRURQWKHSURMHFWRUVxqoljkw SHUVRQDOLQMXU\Vprnh GDPDJH\RXUSURMHFWRUDiately if anything is missing Image ResolutionCompatibility Unpacking the ProjectorT r o d u c t i o n Shipping box contentsBack view of projector Front view of projectorIf You Need Assistance Usage GuidelinesPlqxwhehiruhwxuqlqjlwedfnrq UrrpwhpshudwxuhehiruhxvhVklsphqwirulwvixooydoxh WarrantyT r o d u c t i o n Vrphjhqhudojxlgholqhv VfuhhqProjected image size at minimum zoom Projection angle in 169 mode 7KHLPDJHHLWVWKHSURMHFWRUDWDJLYHQDQJOH7KLVLPDJHRIIVHWLVWxuqhgrii Make sure the projector is Connecting the Enhanced Connectivity ModuleConnector panel Connector panel with enhanced connectivity module attachedHDTV, Video 3-Component, Video Connecting the connectivity module to the projectorConnecting a Video Device Vshdnhuv169 screen aspects Wxqhu VkrxogehfrqqhfwhgwrrqwkhsurmhfwruCables included with the projector Electronics store To watch regular TVVrxqgiurphwhuqdovshdnhuv If your TV tuner has S-video outputVwduwxsvfuhhqdsshduv UhfrpphqghgOljkwvjuhhq 5HPRYHWKHSURMHFWRU·VOHQVFDS7XUQRQ\RXU79WXQHU ‡ ,IQHFHVVDU\DGMXVWWKHKHLJKWRIWKHSURMHFWRU6HHSDJHUHFHLYHUXVHWKHUHFHLYHU·VYROXPHFRQWURO Roorzvwhsvvwduwlqjrqsdjh If your TV tuner has composite video outputIf your TV tuner has component video output If your video device has S-video output To watch a DVD or VHS tape1RZ\RXDUHUHDG\WRWXUQRQWKHHTXLSPHQWDQGZDWFKD9 Ruwdsh ‡ 6HOHFWDGLIIHUHQWUHVLHRSWLRQLIGHVLUHG7KHFKRLFHVDUH 3OXJLQDQGWXUQRQ\RXUYLGHRGHYLFH7KLVFRQQHFWRUPD\EHODEHOHG´7R0RQLWRUµ If your video device has composite video outputIf your Hdtv tuner has a 15-pin VGA output To watch Hdtv7XUQRQ\RXU+79WXQHU To play a game from a video machine To play a video gameTo connect a camcorder If your Hdtv tuner has a DVI or component outputTurning Off the Projector FRQQHFWRURQ\RXUFRPSXWHU Connecting a ComputerTXDOLW\DQGEULJKWHVWLPDJHSRVVLEOH WkhsurmhfwruThat shipped with the projector Displaying your Computer Source5HPRYHWKHOHQVFDS Vwduwxsvfuhhqdsshduv 7XUQRQ\RXUFRPSXWHUOlfnlqlvkzkhqlqvwdoodwlrqlvfrpsohwh Turning Off the Projector FRPSXWHU·VXVHUJXLGHIRUGHWDLOVBasic Image Adjustment Adjusting the ProjectorFocus ring and zoom ring Turning the leveling knob Adjusting the height of the projector7RUDLVHWKHSURMHFWRU SurmhfwhglpdjhUsing the Remote Control Remote controlSurmhfwru Source keypad only or Data and Video remote only Using the Keypad and Remote ButtonsKeypad and remote buttons Menu/select7KHVHEXWWRQVDUHQRWXVHGZLWKYLGHRVRXUFHV LpdjhStandby Volume keypad onlyOljkwvvrolgjuhhq Zoom mode/Zoom +/ZoomMain menu Using the On-Screen MenusLvkljkoljkwhg QdyljdwhwrdqrwkhuvxephqxBrightness Display MenuDgmxvwphqwv KeystoneIXOO\VDWXUDWHGFRORU Mute VolumeAudio Menu 7KLVWXUQVRIIWKHVRXQGImage Menu for Video Sources Image menu for video sourcesResize To get this image This sourceAspect Option Vsdfhvreodfneduvdsshdudwwkhwrsdqgerwwrpriwkh Lpdjh Input on 43 screen with Resize set to Enhanced WidescreenInput on 169 screen with Resize set to Widescreen Letterbox Input on 169 screen with Resize set to Standard VhohfwOverscan ZoomVideo Standard Image menu for computer sources Image Menu for Computer Sources7XUQ$XWRLPDJHRII 7XUQ$XWR,PDJHRII7RPDQXDOO\DGMXVWWKHFRORUWHPSHUDWXUH Color Management MenuIrufrpsrqhqwylghrvrxufhv FroruControl Menu Rpsrqhqw7KLVRSWLRQOHWV\RXVHOHFWWKHOHQJWKRIWLPHWKHODPSVWD\VRQ Display Messages Advanced MenuRear Project Ceiling ProjectLanguage menu ResetWkhluruljlqdovhwwlqjv Language Menu6KRZVWKHYLGHRVWDQGDUGEHLQJGLVSOD\HG Status MenuReplacing the Projection Lamp Cleaning the LensLfdovwkdwfdqvfudwfkwkhohqv PrwlrqLoosening the screws on the lamp module Removing the lamp doorSurshupdqqhu WxuqwkhsurmhfwruedfnrqRemoving the lamp module Cleaning the Projection Lamp Filter Screens Wkhodpskrxvlqjlqwkhsurmhfwru 5HSODFHWKHODPSDQGODPSGRRULamp module screens Replacing the Batteries in the Remote Control LED behavior and meaning TroubleshootingGreen but nothing appears Not lit greenLit green Projector running LED litPlqxwhwkhqsoxjlwedfnlq Problem with the projector Lamp getting dimmerRqsdjh Lamp shuts offImage too wide or narrow Problem with a video imageSymptom Remedy Image out of focus Image not centered onImage isn’t centered on Problem with a video image Image from componentSource appears greenish Image is tornStreaked Problem with a computer image Screen resolution notCorrect Image is noisy or‡WKHSURMHFWRU·VVHULDOQXPEHUORFDWHGRQWKHERWWRPODEHO ‡WKHPRGHOQDPHRI\RXUSURMHFWRUSpecifications Standard Accessories Ship with the projector Part Number AccessoriesOptional Accessories Audio/video inputs on the Enhanced Connectivity ModuleSource Video Audio Feet Projected Image SizeProjected image size for 169 aspect ratio Image WidthProjected image size for 43 aspect ratio P e n d i Numerics IndexD e Rughulqj Uhsodflqj VWDQGE\WLPH 6WDWXVPHQX Limited Warranty Period Limited WarrantyTo Obtain Warranty Service To Be Eligible For Limited Warranty Coverage