Contents |
Important Information | 2 |
Contents | 3 |
4 | |
Turning on and turning off the | 5 |
Home screen | 6 |
Entering text | 8 |
Clear :and Quit | 9 |
Using subtraction Tand negation akeys | 10 |
Keyboard math applications | 11 |
Integer division | 12 |
Percent C | 12 |
Square 6 | 13 |
Square root | 14 |
Pi | 14 |
Fractions | 15 |
Constants with | 17 |
Scrolling on the Home screen | 18 |
Using parentheses DE | 19 |
20 | |
Changing mode settings | 23 |
Creating lists and statistical plots | 24 |
Graphing a line | 27 |
Error messages | 28 |
MEMORY menu | 30 |
Installing handheld software applications | 33 |
Running software applications | 35 |
Collecting data using the CBL™/CBR™ App | 36 |
Collecting data using the CBL 2é | 37 |
© 2003 Texas Instruments Incorporated.