Sharp MZ-700 manual Iv1Z

Page 17


iv1Z 700

Troubleshooting procedure

Phenomennon CD: Motor and tape do not rotate, when the PLAY button is pushed.




Motor fai lure















Check if the SW302


Check if M+



interlinked with the


and M·5Vare


PLAY pushbutton is


in supply.












OV: when SW is on +5V: when SW is off

Check +5V on REMOTE terminal @.

Check the +5V input

voltage. Check R3009.


Check the motor lead wire (REM) and the motor transistor (2S0468)

Check if voltage is on to the base of the remote control transistor of the CPU board.

Phenomenon @: Program can not be saved








itch fai lure

Check if the SW3OO1 interlinked




with the R EC pushbutton is




properly operating when the




REC pushbutton is pushed.



heck if signa




Check if +5V on Cl) .



is on from the



terminal !J).







Check the CPU board.

Check if the signal is on to the base of 03002.

Failure of SW3OO1. Check R30OS.


signal is on

to the recor

OK ding head.

Failure of the recordl playback head.

Contact failure

in SW3OO1. Check

03001 and 03002.


Check if voltage is on to the erasure head.

Phenomenon ®: Program can not be loaded or resulted in error







Check if a





waveform is





on the terminal















Check the













No waveform with





too much noise.



Check if the erasu re head should have been inactive due to failure of SW3001 .

Check peripheral components around 03003 and for azimuth maladjustment of the record I

NO playback head.


Image 17
Contents MZ-1TOl MZ-1POl CPU Counter Reset4KB RAM Video RCBMZ-700 III $7EOD System DescriptionClkn Ntpl LphiColr PhioHBLK~ INH2 INH3 $DOOOO$OFFF $FFFF MonitorIN/OUT ResetLPH1 PHI~ P7 Memory Management LPH1 PAL RDN Colr NtscNtpl Gate VCC GND ATB ATB CgromVblnk PC· OUTMotor Name AtrbSize DtadrOUT2+----TO CPU INT SW3002 Iv1Z Fast PlaybackForward RewindAWl Hsync VideoVsync Csync CvideoMicro COlOR Graphic Printer INT XTAL1 XTAL2Psen ALEProg Colour Plotter Printer Control LSIVDD PI,B Power Supply ~ \ ~v1Z 70C 74LSOO74LS02 74LS147417 74LS166 74LS174 74LS176 Circuit Diagram & Parts Layout ~--l Thri IkopI I I I 4O~- Back ~l--r ~-I-? VIiIT IPower unit FfO~ Lf j EI02IAC-33A ISi§====t============I~~=====~==~================~YD Page Parts List & Guide Rn CPU Unit Exteriors Rn CPU U~~t Exteriors ~18 IlJ CPU Unit Electronic Components 3J CPU Unit Electronic Components Power Supply Unit ID Power Supply Unit ~7~13 Ca ssette Unit Cassette Unit Cassette Unit MZ·700 Index Parts Code Parts Code Sharp