Alcatel-Lucent OS9000 manual OmniAccess Safeguard

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OA Safeguard

OmniAccess Safeguard

The OmniAccess SafeGuard products – recent winner of Network World’s “Clear Choice” award for NAC deployment – deliver comprehensive LAN security through network-based high performance security appliances. This best of breed technology allows network administrators to radically reduce the risk of security breaches and ensure continuity of operations.

Network admission control appliance for wire-line and wireless users

Client-less host integrity check for wire-line and wireless users

Per user statefull firewall

Statistical anomaly detection and intrusion protection

Per user layer-7 awareness and activity logging

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Contents Data Networking Product Pocket Guide OmniSwitch 9000 Chassis LAN Switch Modules ChassisOS9-XNI-U2 OS9-XNI-U6SFP-DUAL-MM TransceiversSFP-GIG-SX SFP-GIG-EXTNDAccessories & Packaging Power Supplies & SparesCabling Combo MRJ21-COMBO-2 MRJ21-COMBO-5OmniSwitch 7000 Chassis LAN Switch OS7700 unit OS7700 unit DC version OS7700 Redundant unit Modular SwitchOS7800 unit DC version OS7800 Redundant unit GBIC-C GBIC-SXGBIC-LX GBIC-CGBIC-LH-70 SFP-GIG-SXOS7000 Power supply unit OS7-IP-SHELFOS7000-FTTC OmniSwitch 6850 Stackable LAN Switch OS6850-24 Stackable L3+ SwitchOS6850-24D OS6850-24XOS6850-24L 126W AC PS Advanced Stackable Gigabit Switch cont.’dSFP combo ports OS6850-24LD 120W DC PSOS6850-BP OS6850-BP-D OS-SW-SBR-SOmniSwitch 6600 Stackable LAN Switch OS6602-24 OS6602-48 Advanced Stackable SwitchTransceivers Gigabit SFPs OS6602-24 OS6602-48OmniStack 6200 Stackable LAN Switch Power Supply Stackable L2+ Fast Ethernet SwitchOS-LS-62BP OS-LS-62BP-P OmniAccess 6000 Wlan Switch Gbic transceiver Gbic TranceiversOAW-SC1-PEF Power Supply & SparesOAW-SC1-VPN OAW-SC1-WIPOmniAccess 4000 Wlan Switch OAW-GBIC-T Access Points & LicensesOAW-GBIC-SX OAW-GBIC-LXOAW-4308 Advanced AAA Module Upgrade OAW-4308 VPN Server Module UpgradeOAW-4308 xSec Module Upgrade OAW-4304-ESI-UOmniVista Mobility Manager AP60 Wireless Access Point AP41 Wireless Access PointAP61 Wireless Access Point AP65 Wireless Access PointOV-MM-APL Mobility ManagerOV-MM-SW OV-MM-CTX10OmniAccess Included Software Interface ModulesVPN Firewall Brick Security Appliances Bundled Power CordsInstallation USB Devices TranceiversManagement Software Management Software cont.’d IPSec Client Growth Package OmniAccess Safeguard OmniAccess 2400 SafeGuard OmniAccess 1000 SafeGuardAccessories Security ApplianceOmniVista 2500 Extension Licenses License Description Upgrade Licenses License DescriptionVitalSuite VitalSuite Performance Management Software Vitalsuite Miscellaneous OptionsVitalQIP DNS/DHCP Documentation Classic LicensingActive Licensing Vqip Services Manager RTU, Base Package, 5K IP Addresses Vqip Services Manager RTU, 1M+ IP Addresses SupportedVitalqip Enhancement Modules Vqip Enum Manager RTU, Up to 9,999 IP Addresses Supported Vqip Registration Manager RTU, 1M+ IP Addresses SupportedVqip Enum Manager RTU, 10,000 24,999 IP Addresses Supported Vqip Enum Manager RTU, 25,000 49,999 IP Addresses Supported300960762 Vqip Workflow Manager CD-ROM 300956281