1.First verify that the PowerFile is powered up (the power switch is located on the
2.Select Changer > Load Range or Load All from the MAX MDL200 menu bar. The Changer > Load Range and Load All options operate the same, except that Load Range allows you to specify a range of slots to load (in the Start Disc/ End Disc fields).
3.This prompts the PowerFile to present each open slot on the disc carousel so that you can load a disc into each one. If there are already some discs loaded in the carousel, the PowerFile will automatically skip any slot positions that are already occupied and present the next open slot for loading.
You will hear the PowerFile’s internal carousel spin to the next available empty slot and stop. At this point you have approximately 10 seconds to insert a disc.
Note that at this point the discs that have been loaded are indicated on the MAX MDL200 main screen, but without any title or media information since they have not yet been identified by the program.
Step 4: Loading Media to the Target MAX Server
Once all of the disks have been loaded into the PowerFile, you are ready to load DVD and CD media to the MAX server.
Step One: Verify the Transfer Setting
Before you start, select File > Settings to open the Settings dialog and set the Record discs with multiple matches option to the desired setting:
•If set to Yes: Discs that were not positively identified will be transferred. As a result, these discs will not have any disc information associated with them.
•If set to No: This option causes the PowerFile to skip transferring any discs that have multiple title matches, or that are not positively identified. These discs can later be identified manually, by transferring the same range of discs again. Since MAX MDL200 will not attempt to transfer any disc that has already been marked as transferred, it will only transfer the discs that were manually identi- fied.
This is the default (and recommended) setting.
Step Two: Transfer Discs
Once the discs have been loaded into the PowerFile, you can begin the process of transferring the media:
1.Set the First Disc/Last Disc range on each drive.
Note: The first disc on Drive 2 must be greater than the last disc of Drive 1 (valid disc numbers are
2.Press the Record button to begin transferring (on the drive(s) that you want to use), and let the PowerFile run until the process is complete.
3.The status of each disc is indicated in the Status column as it is being identified and transferred. Once complete, the Status message indicates that the media was successfully loaded on the MAX server. Note that the PowerFile loads one disc at a time per drive.
4.As each disc is read it is automatically loaded to the MAX server.
5.MAX MDL200 displays a message to inform you when all discs in the specified range have been loaded to the server.
6.Once the process is complete, you should verify the contents of the MAX server via the WinMAX application (Movies and Music tabs).
Note: You can use the WinMAX application to
If one or more discs cannot be identified:
While MAX MDL200 settings can allow you to proceed with transferring discs that could not be identified, it is recommended that you set MAX MDL200 to skip discs with multiple matches. Once the transfer process is complete, these discs can be identified manually by selecting the best title match for each from the multiple possible title matches found in the database.
2.Specify a search method (Title - default setting or UPC). Enter the disc title (or UPC code) in the Search field. The results are displayed in the lower window.
•If you selected to search by Title, enter part of the title of the desired CD or DVD. For best results, enter a single word and let the program return a list of all titles that contain that word. Use a
•If you selected to search by UPC, enter the UPC code as it appears on the disc packaging.
•For either search method, avoid using asterisks or other
3.Click the Search button.
4.Select the best match and click OK to assign the selected title (and associated media information) to the disc.
Verifying Disc Information
In some cases in which the program has indicated more than one possible match for a disc, it may not be obvious which of the possible matches represents the best match for the disc. In these cases you should eject the disc momentarily so that you can visually check the physical label on the disc. The Eject and Load buttons on the Multiple Matches dialog allow you do this quickly:
2.Click on the Eject button in the Multiple Matches dialog. This option ejects the disc from the PowerFile. Remember that you have approximately 10 seconds to remove the disc from the slot.
Note that by using the Eject and Load buttons in the Multiple Matches dialog, the program retains any disc information that exists for this disc.
This is also true for the Load and Eject buttons in the New Title Entry dialog. By contrast, if you eject a disc from the PowerFile via the Eject options in the Changer menu, or the Disc Context Menu, all disc information is lost. These options are intended to be used at the point that the disc is being permanently removed from the PowerFile, once the loading process is complete.
3.Look at the disc label to discern which of the possible title matches best matches this disc.
4.Press the Load button in the Multiple Matches dialog, and replace the disc in the Disc Loading Slot.
5.Select the best possible match in the Multiple Matches dialog and click OK. Note: Do not close the Multiple Matches (or New Title Entry dialog) until the disc has been reloaded. If the dialog is closed while the disc is still ejected, the slot will be set to <empty>, and all disc information will be lost.
Manually Entering Disc Information
If no suitable title matches are found, then you may enter the information manually via the New Title Entry dialog:
1.Click New Entry in the Multiple Matches dialog to open the New Title Entry dia- log. This dialog contains a text field where you can manually enter a title for this disc. For DVDs, you can also associate a Genre, Aspect Ratio and Sound option to the disc.
If necessary. you can use the Eject and Load buttons in the New Title Entry dialog to eject the disc so that you can review any information that is printed on the disc label:
a.Press Eject to eject the disc (at which point you have approximately 10 seconds to physically remove the disc from the disc loading slot on the PowerFile).
b.When you’re finished, press the Load button and replace the disc (label- side facing to the right) in the carousel (you have 10 seconds after pressing the Load button to insert the disc).
2.Click inside the Title text field, and type the title that you want to associate with this disc.
3.For DVDs, use the
Removing Discs From The PowerFile
When you’re finished transferring all of the discs in the PowerFile, remove them from the unit:
•To unload a single disc,
•To unload a selected range of discs, select Changer > Eject Range and spec- ify the range of discs you want to eject (in the Start Disc/End Disc fields).
•Alternatively you can use the Changer > Eject All command to eject all of the discs.
In any case, as each disc is ejected, it must be manually removed from the carousel on the front of the PowerFile. You have 10 seconds to remove the disc before it is pulled back into the unit and the eject command is cancelled.
Clearing Disc Information From the Disc/Slot Window
By default, all disc information is displayed in the Disc/Slot Window until it is manually cleared. Select File > Reset All to reset (clear) all of the disc information in the Disc/Slot Window.
The Reset All command also stops the transfer and/or identification processes.
Troubleshooting Ethernet Communications Problems
•The Link (L) LED next to the Ethernet port on the MAX server should be on. If not, check your cables and connectors.
•Verify that the IP address and Subnet Mask settings are appropriate for your network configuration.
•If you are connecting to the server via a direct connection with a PC (using a crossover Ethernet cable), be sure that the IP Address of the Network card in your PC is in the same range as the server, but not the same address as the server.
For example, a network card setting of will work with the default server IP address of
DVD Region Code Settings on the PowerFile
The PowerFile has two internal
Notice: MAX Products are not designed or intended to, and may not be used to, violate anyone’s copyright or other intellectual property rights. Each user of the MAX Products may only use the Products in connection with materials legally owned or licensed by such user and only to the extent such ownership or license rights permit such use.
For full warranty information, refer to the AMX Instruction Manual(s) associated with your Product(s). |
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