Allied Telesis x900-24 series manual Creating dedicated hardware filters

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Creating dedicated hardware filters

Creating dedicated hardware filters

Before we get into the details of the filter creation, we need to look at the underlying packet classification process.

Configuring packet classification

Dedicated hardware filters and QoS use the same packet classification process.

The basic construct in the classification process is a classifier. The syntax for creating a classifier on the switch is:

CREate CLASSifier=rule-id[MACSaddr={macaddANYDHCPSnooping}] [MACDaddr={macaddANY}][MACSMask=macadd][MACDMask=macadd] [MACType={L2UcastL2McastL2BcastANY}] [TPID={tpidANY}] [VLANPriority={0..7ANY}] [VLAN={vlanname1..<VIDMaxUser>ANY}] [INNERTpid={tpidANY}] [INNERVLANPriority={0..7ANY}] [INNERVLANId={vlanname1..4094ANY}] [ETHFormat={802.2-Tagged802.2-UntaggedETHII-Tagged ETHII-UntaggedNETWARERAW-TaggedNetwareraw-untagged

SNAP-TaggedSNAP-UntaggedANY}] [PROTocol={protocoltypeIPIPV6ANY}] [IPDScp={dscplistANY}] [IPTOs={0..7ANY}] [IPSAddr={ipaddmaskANYDHCPSnooping}] [IPDAddr={ipaddmaskANY}] [IPPRotocol={TCPUDPICMpIGMpOSPfipprotocolnumANY}] [IPXDAddr={ipxaddANY}] [IPXDSocket={NCPSAPRIPNNBDIAgNLSpIPXwanipxsocketnumANY}] [IPXSSocket={NCPSAPRIPNNBDIAgNLSpIPXwanipxsocketnumANY}] [TCPSport={portidport-rangeANY}] [TCPDport={portidport-rangeANY}]

[UDPSport={portidport-rangeANY}] [UDPDport={portidport-rangeANY}] [L4SMask=mask] [L4DMask=mask] [L5BYTE01=byteoffset,bytevalue[,bytemask]] [L5BYTE02=byteoffset,bytevalue[,bytemask]]


[L5BYTE16=byteoffset,bytevalue[,bytemask]] [TCPFlags={{UrgAckRstSynFin}[,...]ANY}] [ICmptype={AnyECHORplyUnreachableQuenchRedirectECHOADvertisement SolicitationTImeexceedParameterTSTAMPTSTAMPRplyINFOREQINFOREP ADDRREQADDRREPNAMEREqNAMERPlyicmp-type}] [ICMPCode={AnyFIlterFRAGMentFRAGReassmHOSTCommHOSTIsolatedHOSTPrec HOSTREdirectHOSTRTosHOSTTosHOSTUNKnownHOSTUNReachNETComm NETREdirectNETRTosNETTosNETUNKnownNETUNReachNOptrPOrtunreach PREcedentPROtunreachPTrproblemSourcerouteTtl

icmp-code}] [IGmptype={ANYQUeryV1ReportDVmrpPIMv1CTRaceV2ReportV2Leave MCTRACEResponseMCTRACEV3ReportMRAdvertMRSolicitMRTerminationigmp- type}]

[EIPBYTE01=byteoffset,bytevalue[,bytemask]] [EIPBYTE02=byteoffset,bytevalue[,bytemask]]



From this, it can be seen that there are a large number of different attributes upon which packets can be classified.

Most of these options are self-evident, but the following sections give more information about the L4 mask and the “inner” options. For information about the other options, see the Generic Classifier chapter of the Software Reference.

Page 3 AlliedWare™ OS How To Note: Hardware Filters

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Contents Introduction AlliedWareTM OSThis document contains the following What information will you find in this document?Creating dedicated hardware filters Configuring packet classification1st tag Configuring inner parameters for nested VLANsCore port 1st tag 2nd tag Nested VLANs disabled Customer portThen, enter the following command Creating hardware filtersFor example, imagine you have the following set of filters Effects of the action parameters Logic of the operation of the hardware filtersCombining hardware filters and QoS How many filters can you create?Filter rules table Rule Empty Rule table Extra rules used when combining QoS and hardware filtersProfile mask Following figure shows the copies of these rulesRule Are there enough bytes for your set of filters? Disabled by default Some protocols also use filters, so use some of the lengthOkay length For example, this set of filters would work How to see the current filter resource usage on the switch 07D0 in hexadecimal Appendix a How to use the layer 4 mask in classifiersDefault mask BinaryPoints to remember Example 1 portsExample 2 ports Example 3 portsNow it is really easy to write the classifiers 024 128256 51265536 Following table shows the port ranges for the largest blocksC613-16058-00 REV C