F o r m a t 2 : U P C A + P r i c e C D F o r m a t
UPCA+Price |
Check Digit |
(CD) Bar Code |
Date | Department |
Price |
Prompt | What You Do |
DEPT ? | Enter up to 5 | numeric digits. |
PRICE ? | Enter up to 4 | numeric digits. |
♦The printer lists the system date (for example: 04/18/02).
♦The bar code consists of data from two other fields. Note that in the example above, bar code characters
♦Character 6 is also a check digit (in addition to character 1).
♦Character 12 is fixed. It indicates that the bar code is defined to contain
♦If you receive error 571, you have entered too few digits in the department or price fields.