Quantum 6-01376-07 manual Windows Memory Requirements, Consistent

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StorNext File System Tuning

Windows Memory Requirements

Therefore, DLC provides increased stability that is comparable to the

StorNext SAN Client.


Security ModelDLC clients have the same security model as StorNext SAN clients. When CIFS and NFS are used, some security models aren’t supported. (For example, Windows ACLs are not accessible when running UNIX Samba servers.)

Windows Memory Requirements

Beginning in version 2.6.1, StorNext includes a number of performance enhancements that enable it to better react to changing customer load. However, these enhancements come with a price: memory requirement.

When running on a 32-bit Windows system that is experiencing memory pressure, the tuning parameters might need adjusting to avoid running the system out of non-paged memory. To determine current operation, open the Task Manager and watch the Nonpaged tag in the Kernel Memory pane in the lower right hand corner. This value should be kept under 200MB. If the non-paged pool approaches this size on a 32-bit system, instability might occur.

The problem will manifest itself by commands failing, messages being sent to the system log about insufficient memory, the fsmpm mysteriously dying, repeated FSM reconnect attempts, and messages being sent to the application log and cvlog.txt about socket failures with the status code (10555) which is ENOBUFS.

The solution is to adjust a few parameters on the Cache Parameters tab in the SNFS control panel (cvntclnt). These parameters control how much memory is consumed by the directory cache, the buffer cache, and the local file cache.

As always, an understanding of the customers’ workload aids in determining the correct values. Tuning is not an exact science, and requires some trial-and-error (and the unfortunate reboots) to come up with values that work best in the customer’s environment.

StorNext File System Tuning Guide


Image 26 Contents
ExtNrotS Copyright Statement Contents StorNext File System Tuning Underlying Storage SystemRAID Cache Configuration RAIDWrite-BackCaching RAID Read-Ahead Caching RAID Level, Segment Size, and Stripe Size Buffer Cache File Size Mix and Application I/O CharacteristicsDirect Memory Access DMA I/O Transfer NFS / Cifs Metadata Network Metadata Controller SystemFSM Configuration File Settings Stripe GroupsExample AffinitiesStripeBreadth BufferCacheSizeForcestripeAlignment InodeCacheSizeThreadPoolSize FsBlockSizeJournalSize Snfs ToolsStorNext File System Tuning Metadata Controller System StorNext File System Tuning Metadata Controller System StorNext File System Tuning Metadata Controller System Latency-testindex-number seconds Mount Command Options Snfs External API Hardware ConfigurationDistributed LAN Disk Proxy Networks Network Configuration and Topology Multi-NIC Hardware and IP Configuration Diagram Distributed LAN Servers Distributed LAN Client Vs. Legacy Network Attached StorageSimulation Largest Tested ConfigurationNumber of Clients Tested via Windows Memory Requirements ConsistentStorNext File System Tuning Windows Memory Requirements Sample FSM Configuration File MAXStripeBreadth StorNext File System Tuning Sample FSM Configuration File StorNext File System Tuning Sample FSM Configuration File StorNext File System Tuning Sample FSM Configuration File