B. Printable Prefix Codes
Since the Prefix code is transmitted through the opened port, it is best to select a n n-prin able Prefix Code. The procedure for selecting the Prefix Code is described in Section 3. If yo r application requires a printable code, refer to the ASCII code chart below. Remem er:
Switch positions 1 - 7 corresp nd to C bits B1 - B7 on the chart.
Switch positions should be ON for a 0 and OFF for a 1.
Example: To select the “@” character for a printable Prefix code: B1 - B7 on the c art shows 0 0B0567BitsÆ0æææææææææææææææææÆ0 0 b4Ø1110for “b3Ø0@”. Therefore,b2Ø0b1Ø10Sw1RowCol10987654321154320-ÆØSw6ACKYN&6FVfvBESNULCRGVLFHTBSNQNK%5EUeuOTX01shouldIU/?OORH1!ESDCFSEMXC+;K[k{U*:JZjzANTBLESP0@P`p0be43#2ì2BRbrON$.-,<L\l)9IYiy(8HXhx245670011¢and Sw74DTdt>N^n~=M]m}7GWgw31OFF1CScsAQaq. 0oDEL011