MultiModemII Quick Start Guide
Congratulations on your purchase of the MultiModemII mo- dem. You have acquired one of the finest data/fax dialup and leased line modems available today from one of the world’s oldest modem manufacturers: Multitech Systems, Inc.
This Quick Start Guide will help you install and set up your modem. A full User Guide containing detailed configuration information, a command reference, a troubleshooting chapter, and an index, can be found on one of the disks in the modem package. The User Guide, which is in Adobe Acrobat 4.0 for- mat, can be viewed on your monitor or printed out for easy reference.
What Is in Your Modem Package?
Your modem package has several components. Make sure you have them all before trying to operate your modem. Your package should include:
An MT5600BA or MT5600BL modem
An external transformer module
One (MT5600BA) or more (MT5600BL) modular telephone cables
This Quick Start Guide
4A CD containing data communications and other programs An installation CD containing modem drivers and a User Guide
If any of these items are missing, please contact