Logitech G300 manual Features, Profile name, 2500 DPI

Page 7



Logitech® Gaming Mouse G300






Profile 1*

Profile 2

Profile 3

Profile name

MMO (massively multiplayer

FPS (first-person



online games)

shooter games)


Profile indicator color




(callout 10)




DPI settings

500 DPI, 1000 DPI, 1500 DPI,

500 DPI, 1000 DPI, 1500 DPI,



2500 DPI

2500 DPI


Default DPI to select when

1000 DPI

1000 DPI

1000 DPI

switching profile




DPI setting using DPI


500 DPI


shift button




Report rate

500 reports/s

1000 reports/s

500 reports/s


Button 1 (left button)

Button 1 (left button)

Button 1 (left button)


Button 2 (right button)

Button 2 (right button)

Button 2 (right button)


Button 3 (middle button)

Button 3 (middle button)

Button 3 (middle button)


Button 4 (back)

Button 4 (back)

Button 4 (back)


Button 5 (forward)

Button 5 (forward)

Button 5 (forward)


Button 6 (CTRL)

Button 6 (DPI down)

Button 6 (Ctrl-C)


Button 7 (ALT)

Button 7 (DPI up)

Button 7 (Ctrl-V)


Button 8 (profile switch)

Button 8 (profile switch)

Button 8 (profile switch)


Button 9 (DPI loop)

Button 9 (DPI shift)

Button 9 (Ctrl-X)

*The G300 has three preconfigured profiles, one each for MMO games, FPS games, and Productivity (standard mouse operations). Use button 8 (see mouse drawing) to rotate through these stored profiles.

For more information about G300 features and to learn how to customize your mouse, download a PDF user’s guide at www.logitech.com/G300.

English    7

Image 7 Logitech G300 manual Features, Profile name, 2500 DPI
Contents Getting started with Logitech Gaming Mouse G300 Contents Περιεχόμενα πακέτου 49 Ρύθμιση Βήμα ρύθμισης Dansk Norsk Suomi Português Ελληνικά TürkçePremière Wireless USB 710 Profile name Features2500 DPI Tips Help with setupFor quicker movements Der G300 herunterladen Erste Schritte Profilname FunktionenTeste die Maus, falls möglich, an einem anderen Computer Probleme bei der Einrichtung?Tipps Starte den Computer neuIl est possible de personnaliser les Première utilisation Fonctions Pour les mouvements plus rapides Aide pour linstallationConseils Dans les jeux à la première personneG300 está listo para el juego Utilización Características Ayuda con la instalación SugerenciasPara movimientos más rápidos Nederlands Aan de slag met Profielnaam FunctiesHulp bij de set-up Italiano Introduzione a Funzioni Suggerimenti Problemi di installazioneSvenska Komma igång med Funktioner Prova att starta om datorn Testa musen på en annan dator InstallationshjälpDansk Sådan kommer du i gang Oversigt Tip Hjælp til installationenOg et højere niveau fx 2500 dpi til hurtige bevægelser Norsk Komme i gang med Funksjoner Når du bruker FPS-profilen kan du øve deg på Hjelp med konfigureringenSuomi Aloitusopas Toiminnot Apua käyttöönottoon VihjeitäJa korkeampaa herkkyyttä esim dpi nopeampiin liikkeisiin Português Introdução ao Botão 9 Ctrl-X Vermelho Verde Azul Chamada Definições DPI1000 DPI Quando muda de perfil Botão 9 ciclo DPITeclas no teclado ou a botões do rato Ajuda com a configuraçãoSugestões Aplica-a automaticamente quando o jogo é detectadoΠροφίλ του G300, τα οποία συμπεριλαμβάνουν Το G300 είναι έτοιμο για τα παιχνίδια σαςΕάν θέλετε να προσαρμόσετε το G300 Του δωρεάν λογισμικού από τη διεύθυνσηΓνωριμία με τη συσκευή Χαρακτηριστικά Βοήθεια με την εγκατάσταση ΣυμβουλέςTürkçe Başlarken Özellikler Kurulum yardımı İpuçlarıLogitech SetPoint جمانرب دادعلإا في ةدعاسلماCtrl-V 7 رزلا Ctrl 6 رزلاCtrl-C 6 رزلا ALT 7 رزلا710 مق.Logitech Gaming جمانرب ، G300 سومالل ةجمدمPage Page +420 239 000 België/Belgique+41-022 761 40 620-003363.003
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