The meter, monitor, and output terminals can be fed from any one of ten different stereo inputs. The input is selected by depressing any of the ten pushbuttons on the front panel. Inputs may be labeled using the re- movable label strip under the pushbuttons.
The SOURCE switch determines the mode of the signal fed to the meter and monitor, but DOES NOT af- fect the line output signal. From the stereo input se- lected on the input selector pushbuttons, the SOURCE switch selects the left channel, the right channel, the mono sum (L+R) or the
The METER switch determines the 100% VU level of the meter. By selecting any of the six positions, the user can measure audio levels over a wide range. The METER switch DOES NOT affect the line output or the speaker and headphone level.
This control sets the level fed to the internal speaker, the external speaker and the headphone jack. It DOES NOT affect line output signal or the me- ter.
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