Bryston BP16, BP16-DA, BP16-P owner manual Pass Through Mode, BP16 Specifications, General

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029 - power on

Activate the DAC feature by pressing the

058 - mute on


(AUX 2) button on the left side

059 - mute off

of the front panel (or A/D on the remote). The LED

061 - record monitor toggle

below the DIGITAL4Select button will turn Green.

062 - record monitor on

Pressing any of the following four buttons will cause

063 - record monitor off

their LEDs to light green, as well, to indicate a PCM

081 - select digital source 1 (D1)

digital source is present and connected properly.

082 - select digital source 2 (D2)

• SPDIF 1 is accessed by selecting D1 on the

083 - select digital source 3 (D3)

front panel or the remote.

D2 on the

084 - select digital source 4 (D4)

• SPDIF 2 is accessed by selecting

245 - set/reset Pass Through mode

front panel or the remote.

D3 on the

247 - Set Trigger 2 for current source

• Optical 1 is accessed by selecting

248 - Clear Trigger 2 for current source

front panel or the remote.

D4 on the

255 - System reset; restore defaults

• Optical 2 is accessed by selecting

















































front panel or the remote.





The source LED’s will turn GREEN when a PCM

PASS THROUGH mode sets the pre-amp gain to 1 (unity

digital bit stream is present. If there is no bit stream

gain) and locks out the volume & balance controls for

available or an incorrect bit stream (non-PCM) the

any single analog audio source. For example, if the Front

LED will turn RED.


Left and Front Right outputs of a home theater surround

You may re-select Analog by simply depressing the

sound processer were connected to the TV input of the


(AUX 2) button once more and

BP16, and then PASS THROUGH was engaged then wher-

the LED will extinguish.


All of the above functions are available from the

ever TV input is selected the volume and balance con-

hand held remote control as well .


trols would be locked at unity gain. If other inputs were




subsequently selected, volume and balance controls





return to normal operation for those other input sources.

The BP16-P contains a moving magnet phono stage.

Only the TV inputs would be locked at unity gain. PASS

The Phono Stage is modular and can be added to the

THROUGH mode, therefore, can only be assigned to one

standard BP16 model later if required by your Bryston

input at a time, but that input can be any one of the analog




audio inputs. The power amplifier stage is not affected

Bryston’s MM Phono section features state-of-the-


art accuracy in equalization, extremely low noise and

only be set (or reset) by sending the 3 digit code “245” to

distortion, and provides headroom margins sufficient

to prevent overload from any known phono source. To

the BP16 either from the handheld IR remote control or

access the Phono section simply plug your left/right

via the RS-232 serial data input. See “Sending Codes to

turntable interconnect leads into the left/right AUX-

the BP16 via the IR Handheld Remote Control” & “Wired

1/PHONO inputs on the rear panel of the BP16 and

RS-232 Remote Control”. To reassign PASS THROUGH

press the AUX-1/PHONObutton on the front panel. The

AUX-1/PHONOLED will turn green. If your turntable

mode to a different input source simply select the desired

provides a separate ground lead, system noise may

input and re-send the “245” code to the BP16. To turn

be minimized by connecting it to the ground lug in the

the deactivate PASS THROUGH mode, select the cur-

center of the rear panel.


rent Pass Through input and then send the “245” code to






the BP16. The “245” toggles PASS THROUGH mode on


and off.

Frequency response:

20Hz to 20KHz, ±.05dB























































High Level Sensitivity:




















































100dB @ 20Hz to


The BP16-DA comes equipped with stereo Digital-



20KHz (ref: 1V input)


to-Analog converter (D/A or DAC) module. This



module is also retrofittable to standard BP16 units.




A unique feature of the BP16-DA is its ability to


17” or 19” wide X 4.55” high x 14” deep

utilize up to four independent digital sources (two


(433mm or 483mm X 116mm X 353mm)

SPDIF and two TOSLINK). These four digital inputs


with packaging approx. 16 lbs (7.3kg.)

can be accessed by selecting D1, D2, D3 and D4


without packaging approx. 11 lbs (5kg)

sources with the DAC feature enabled (by pressing


the DIGITAL4Select button on the left end of the




front panel).








Image 6
Contents BP16 Important Safety Instructions Bryston Limited WarrantySetup Recommendations IntroductionConnections Headphone Jack LED Status IndicatorsRemote Power Control ~ 12 Volt Trigger Connector Auxiliary IR InputHAND-HELD INFRA-RED Remote Control Wired RS-232 Remote ControlTrigger Output Pass Through Mode BP16 SpecificationsGeneral BP16 Preamplifier BP16MANUAL20060324