Maximize the effectiveness of your computer systems with Ergotron Products
Since 1982, Ergotron has designed and engineered products specifically for improving the human interface with computers. Innovative engineering concepts incorporate the human factor into each
and every product. With our patented Monitor Suspension technology as the core, Ergotron designs Mounting Solutions that consistently meet the ever changing needs of our customers.
Our experienced Sales Representatives will work with you to define your requirements and custom configure standard components to
© 2004 Ergotron, Inc.
rev. 05/13/2004
Ergotron, Inc.: St. Paul, MN; (800)
www.ergotron.com; sales@ergotron.com
Ergotron Europe: Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
Tel. +31 20 312.29.39; info.eu@ergotron.com
Ergotron Canada: Calgary, Alberta; (800)