Wireless 11N USB Adapter
4.3.1.Profile Properties
When adding a profile you are required to enter a profile name and SSID as well as configure the network type and encryption/authentication settings. A profile can be configured as Infrastructure or Ad-hocmode. The configuration settings for each mode are described below.
Profile Name: Input the profile name you want. And the name can not be the same with each other of all profiles. If have reduplicate profile name, it will have a warning message.
SSID: Input the SSID of available AP
Ad-Hoc: A computer to computer network, and wireless access point is not used. When enable this function, you can select the channel to connect. (This is the simplest network configuration with several computers equipped with the PC Cards that form a wireless network whenever they are within range of one another. In ad-hoc mode, each client is peer-to-peer, would only have access to the resources of the