Dell 5324 manual 315

Page 315

source ip-address—One of the interface addresses of the device to use as a source address for the probes. The device will normally pick what it feels is the best source address to use. (Range: Valid IP Address)

tos tos—The Type-Of-Service byte in the IP Header of the packet. (Range: 0-255)

Default Configuration

size packet_size—The default is 40 bytes.

ttl max-ttl—The default is 30.

count packet_count—The default count is 3.

timeout time_out—The default is 6 seconds.

Command Mode

User EXEC mode

User Guidelines

The traceroute command works by taking advantage of the error messages generated by a device when a datagram exceeds its time-to-live (TTL) value.

The traceroute command starts by sending probe datagrams with a TTL value of one. This causes the first device to discard the probe datagram and send back an error message. The traceroute command sends several probes at each TTL level and displays the round-trip time for each.

The traceroute command sends out one probe at a time. Each outgoing packet may result in one or two error messages. A "time exceeded" error message indicates that an intermediate device has seen and discarded the probe. A "destination unreachable" error message indicates that the destination node has received the probe and discarded it because it could not deliver the packet. If the timer goes off before a response comes in, the traceroute command prints an asterisk (*).

The traceroute command terminates when the destination responds, when the maximum TTL is exceeded, or when the user interrupts the trace with Esc.

System Management


Image 315
Contents CLI Reference Guide Aug Contents Using the CLI Address Table Commands Clock Ethernet Configuration Commands Igmp Snooping Commands Lacp Commands Management ACL Port Monitor Commands Rmon Commands Spanning-Tree Commands SSH Commands Syslog Commands Tacacs Commands Vlan Commands 32 802.1x Commands 382 Page Command Groups Command GroupsIntroduction Configures and reports on Spanning Tree protocol Configures Tacacs commandsConfigures commands related to 802.1x security protocol Address Table Commands AAA CommandsDisplays statically created entries in the bridge Configures an external time source forConfigures the system to automatically switch Defines an authentication key for SimpleConfiguration and Image Files Commands Displays the backup configuration file contents Ethernet Configuration CommandsGvrp Commands Sets an IP address Igmp Snooping CommandsDefines a default gateway router IP AddressingLine Commands Deletes entries from the host name-to-addressCache Sets the line for automatic baud rate detection Lldp CommandsPHY Diagnostics Commands Management ACL CommandsPort Channel Commands Port Monitor CommandsQoS Commands Enables each port trust state Radius CommandsSnmp Commands Rmon CommandsSpanning Tree Commands MST SSH Commands Overrides the default link-type settingSets the default path cost method Syslog Commands System Management Commands Tacacs CommandsReloads the operating system Disables the default Vlan functionality User Interface CommandsVlan Commands Switches the mode to debugInterface Reserves a Vlan as the internal usage Vlan of anWeb Server Commands Command Description Access Mode 802.1x CommandsCommand Groups GC Global Configuration Mode Command ModesDevice Notification operation Sntp IC Interface Configuration ModeAn Extensible Authentication Protocol EAP request/identity Frame, from the client, before resending the requestReserves a Vlan as the internal usage Vlan of an interface LC Line Configuration Mode Enables the Simple Network Time Protocol Sntp client on anCommand Description PE Privileged User Exec Mode MA Management Access-level ModeVlan UE User Exec Mode SP SSH Public Key ModeCommand Modes VC Vlan Configuration Mode W . d e l l . c o m s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o m Using the CLI CLI Command ModesIntroduction Privileged Exec Mode User Exec ModeExit End Ctrl+Z Global Configuration ModeStarting the CLI Editing Features Entering CommandsConsoleconfig# username admin password smith Config#interface ethernet Terminal Command BufferNegating the Effect of Commands Command CompletionEnter CLI Command ConventionsKeyboard Shortcuts Italic fontUsing the CLI Command Mode AAA CommandsAaa authentication login Default ConfigurationAaa authentication enable Following example configures authentication loginExample Console config# aaa authentication enable default enable Login authenticationConsole config-line#login authentication default Enable authenticationIp http authentication Console config-line#enable authentication defaultFollowing example configures the http authentication Ip https authentication Show authentication methodsFollowing example configures https authentication Following example displays the authentication configuration Syntax Show authentication methods Default ConfigurationThis command has no default configuration Privileged Exec modePassword Console# show authentication methodsSyntax Password password encrypted No password Enable password No password is requiredFollowing example specifies a password secret on a line Username Show users accountsNo user is defined Console# show users accounts Syntax Show users accounts Default ConfigurationAAA Commands Address Table Commands Interface configuration Vlan modeBridge address Bridge multicast filtering Disabled. All multicast addresses are flooded to all portsThis example, bridge multicast filtering is enabled Console config# bridge multicast filteringNo multicast addresses are defined ExamplesFollowing example registers the MAC address Command Modes Bridge multicast forbidden addressNo forbidden addresses are defined This example all multicast packets on port g8 are forwarded Disable forward-all on the specified interfaceBridge multicast forward-all Bridge multicast forbidden forward-allSyntax Bridge aging-timeClear bridge Syntax Clear bridgeConsole# clear bridge Disabled No port security Interface Configuration Ethernet, port-channel modePort security Mac-address-Specify a MAC address in the format Console config-if#port security routed secure-addressPort security routed secure-address Show bridge address-tablePort-channel-number-A valid port-channel number Console# show bridge address-table Show bridge address-table staticVlan -Specific Vlan Show bridge address-table countConsole# show bridge address-table static Syntax Show bridge address-table count vlan vlanConsole# show bridge address-table count Show bridge multicast address-tableConsole # show bridge multicast address-table format ip Console # show bridge multicast address-tableVlanid-A valid Vlan ID value Show bridge multicast filteringShow ports security Syntax Show bridge multicast filtering vlan-idConsole # show ports security Syntax Clock source sntp No clock source ClockClock set Clock sourceClock timezone No external clock sourceConsole# clock source sntp Clock summer-time No authentication key is defined Sntp authentication-keySntp authenticate Consoleconfig# sntp authentication-key 8 md5 ClkKeySyntax Sntp authenticate No sntp authenticate Not trusted Sntp client poll timerFollowing example authenticates key Sntp trusted-keySntp broadcast client enable Console config# sntp client poll timerConsole config# sntp broadcast client enable Syntax Sntp client enable No sntp client enable Sntp anycast client enableSntp client enable interface Console config-if#sntp anycast client enableSntp unicast client enable Console config# sntp unicast client enable101 Syntax Sntp unicast client poll no sntp unicast client poll Console config# sntp unicast client pollSntp unicast client poll Sntp serverShow clock Syntax Show clock detail103 104 Console# show clock105 Show sntp configurationSyntax Show sntp configuration Console# show sntp configuration106 Show sntp statusSyntax Show sntp status Following example shows the status of the Sntp107 Clock Copy Configuration and Image FilesDelete startup-config Console# delete startup-config110 Understanding Invalid Combinations of Source and Destination111 Storing the Running or Startup Configuration on a ServerCopy Character Descriptions Copying image file from a Server to Flash Memory112 Boot systemSyntax Boot system image-1 image-2 Console# boot system image-1113 Show running-configSyntax Show running-config sort type Sort type defaults to interface if unspecifiedShow startup-config Console# show running-config no spanning-treeSyntax Show startup-config sort type 114 115 Show backup-config Console# show startup-config no spanning-treeSyntax Show backup-config 116 117 Console# show backup-config software version118 Show bootvarSyntax Show bootvar Default Configuration Console# show bootvarEthernet Configuration Commands Interface ethernetInterface range ethernet Shutdown Syntax Shutdown No shutdown Default ConfigurationInterface is enabled Following example disables port g5Syntax Speed 100 1000 No speed DescriptionSpeed Syntax Description string No descriptionDuplex Syntax Duplex half full No duplex122 Flowcontrol Consoleconfig# interface ethernet g5Syntax Negotiation No negotiation Default Configuration Negotiation124 MdixSyntax Flowcontrol auto on off No flowcontrol Syntax Mdix on auto No mdixSyntax Back-pressure No back-pressure Default Configuration Back-pressure125 Port jumbo-frame Clear counters126 Console# set interface active ethernet g5 Show interfaces configurationSet interface active Console# clear counters ethernet g1128 Interfaces configuration129 Show interfaces statusConsole# show interfaces status 130131 Show interfaces descriptionShow interfaces counters Console# show interfaces description ethernet g1132 Console# show interfaces counters 133134 Following example displays counters for port g1Console# show interfaces counters ethernet g1 Following table describes the fields shown in the displayIeee Std .3, 2000 Edition, section 135Syntax Show ports jumbo-frame Default Configuration Show ports jumbo-frame136 Console# show ports jumbo-frame Port storm-control broadcast enableConsoleconfig# port storm-control include-multicast Port storm-control include-multicastPort storm-control broadcast rate Broadcast storm control is disabledConsoleconfig-if#port storm-control broadcast enable Default storm control broadcast rate isSyntax Show ports storm-control interface Consoleconfig-if#port storm-control broadcast rateFollowing example displays the storm control configuration Show ports storm-control140 Syntax Gvrp enable No gvrp enable Default Configuration Gvrp CommandsGvrp enable global Gvrp enable interfaceGarp timer Following example enables Gvrp on ethernet g8142 By default, dynamic Vlan creation is enabled Gvrp vlan-creation-forbid143 Clear gvrp statistics Console config-if#gvrp vlan-creation-forbidConsole config-if#gvrp registration-forbid Gvrp registration-forbidShow gvrp configuration Console# clear gvrp statistics ethernet g8145 Console# show gvrp configuration Show gvrp statistics146 Console# show gvrp statistics Show gvrp error-statisticsFollowing example shows Gvrp statistics information 147Console# show gvrp-error statistics Following example displays Gvrp statistics information148 149 Igmp Snooping CommandsIp igmp snooping Global Ip igmp snooping InterfaceIp igmp snooping mrouter Ip igmp snooping host-time-out150 Console config-if#ip igmp snooping host-time-out Ip igmp snooping mrouter-time-out151 Ip igmp snooping leave-time-out Console config-if#ip igmp snooping mrouter-time-outDefault leave-time-out configuration is 10 seconds Console config-if#ip igmp snooping leave-time-outShow ip igmp snooping mrouter Show ip igmp snooping interfaceConsole # show ip igmp snooping mrouter 154 Show ip igmp snooping groupsExample displays Igmp snooping information Console # show ip igmp snooping interfaceExample shows Igmp snooping information Console # show ip igmp snooping groups155 Igmp Snooping Commands Console# clear host dhcp IP Addressing CommandsClear host dhcp Ip address158 Interface configuration Ethernet, VLAN, port-channelIp address dhcp No IP address is defined for interfaces159 Ip default-gatewaySyntax Ip default-gateway ip-address No ip default-gateway No default gateway is definedFollowing example defines an ip default gateway Show ip interface160 Arp Console# show ip interface161 Arp timeout Console config# arp 00000c400fbc ethernetClear arp-cache Following example displays entries in the ARP table Syntax Show arp Default ConfigurationShow arp Console# clear arp-cacheSyntax Ip domain-name name No ip domain-name Ip domain-lookupIp domain-name Syntax Ip domain-lookup No ip domain-lookupFollowing example sets the available name server Ip name-serverIp host No name server addresses are specifiedSyntax Clear host name Clear hostSyntax Ip host name address No ip host name No host is defined167 Default Configuration Command ModeShow hosts Syntax Show hosts name168 Syntax Lacp port-priority value No lacp port-priority Lacp CommandsLacp system-priority Lacp port-priority170 Lacp timeoutSyntax Lacp timeout long short No lacp timeout Default port timeout value is longSyntax Show lacp port-channel portchannelnumber Show lacp ethernetShow lacp port-channel Console# show lacp ethernet g1 statistics172 Console# show lacp port-channelSyntax Speed bps Line CommandsLine Syntax Line console telnet ssh174 Exec-timeoutSyntax Autobaud No autobaud Default Configuration Autobaud175 Syntax Exec-timeout minutes seconds No exec-timeoutShow line Syntax Show line console telnet sshConsole# show line console Following example displays the line configurationTerminal history Terminal history size177 Maximum for the sum of all buffers isLine Commands Syntax Lldp CommandsLldp enable global Lldp enable interfaceDefault 30 seconds Lldp timerInterface configuration Ethernet Syntax Lldp timer seconds No lldp timerSyntax Lldp hold-multiplier number No lldp hold-multiplier Lldp reinit-delayDefault Configuraiton Lldp hold-multiplierDefault value is 2 seconds Lldp tx-delaySyntax Lldp reinit-delay seconds No lldp reinit-delay Syntax Lldp tx-delay seconds No lldp tx-delay ParametersNo optional TLV is transmitted Lldp optional-tlvLldp management-address Usage Guidelines184 Clear lldp rxShow lldp local Show lldp configurationSyntax Show lldp configuration ethernet interface Switch# show lldp configuration186 Show lldp neighborsSwitch# show lldp neighbors Switch# show lldp neighbors ethernet g1187 Lldp Commands 189 Management access-listName-The access list name using up to 32 characters Management ACLConsole config# management access-class mlist Permit management190 Management Access-list Configuration mode Deny management191 192 Management access-classConsole# show management access-list Show management access-listShow management access-class Syntax Show management access-list nameSyntax Show management access-class Default Configuration Console# show management access-class194 Console# test copper-port tdr g3 PHY Diagnostics CommandsTest copper-port tdr Show copper-ports tdr196 Show copper-ports cable-lengthSyntax Show copper-ports cable-length interface Port must be active and working in 1000MShow fiber-ports optical-transceiver Console# show copper-ports cable-length197 Console# show fiber-ports optical-transceiver 198Console# show fiber-ports optical-transceiver detailed 199PHY Diagnostics Commands Interface range port-channel Port Channel CommandsConsole config# interface port-channel Interface port-channel202 Console config# interface range port-channelChannel-group Port is not assigned to any port-channelSyntax Show interfaces port-channel port-channel-number Console config-if#channel-group 1 mode onPort channel load balance Show interfaces port-channel204 Port monitor Port Monitor CommandsDefault is both rx and tx Interface Configuration modeSyntax Show ports monitor Default Configuration Show ports monitor206 207 Console# show ports monitorPort Monitor Commands QoS Commands QosShow qos Following example displays a QoS mode Wrr-queue cos-map210 211 Interface Configuration Ethernet, port channel modeWrr-queue bandwidth Following example maps CoS 3 to queue212 Following example assigns WRR weights to egress queuesPriority-queue out num-of-queues All queues are expedite queues213 Console config# priority-queue out num-of-queuesShow qos interface Following example sets queue 4, 3 to be expedite queuesQos map dscp-queue Console# show qos interface ethernet g1 queuing214 Qos trust Global Syntax Qos trust cos dscp No qos trust215 Qos cos Syntax Qos trust No qos trust Default ConfigurationSyntax Qos cos default-cos No qos cos 216 Qos trust InterfaceShow qos map Syntax Show qos map dscp-queue217 D1 x 10 + D2 = Value of Dscp Following example displays the Dscp port-queue mapConsole# show qos map Dscp-queue map Following table describes the fields used aboveIp-address-IP address of the Radius server host Radius CommandsBy default, no Radius host is specified Radius-server hostSyntax Radius-server key key-string No radius-server key TimeoutDefault is an empty string Radius-server key221 Console config# radius-server retransmitRadius-server retransmit Radius-server source-ipRadius-server timeout Console config# radius-server timeout222 Show radius-servers Console config# radius-server deadtimeSyntax Show radius-servers Default Configuration Radius-server deadtimeFollowing example displays the Radius server settings 224Console# show radius-servers 225 Rmon CommandsShow rmon statistics Console# show rmon statistics ethernet g1Field Description 226227 Rmon collection historyConsole# show rmon collection history Console config-if#rmon collection history 1 intervalShow rmon collection history Following example displays all Rmon group statistics229 Show rmon historyConsole# show rmon history 5 errors 230Console# show rmon history 5 throughput 231 Console# show rmon history 5 other232 Rmon alarm233 Show rmon alarm-tableSyntax Show rmon alarm number Show rmon alarmSyntax Show rmon alarm-table Default Configuration Console# show rmon alarm-tableFollowing example displays Rmon 1 alarms Console# show rmon alarm235 236 Rmon eventFollowing example displays the Rmon event table Following example configures an event with the trap indexSyntax Show rmon events Default Configuration Show rmon eventsEvent-Event index. Range 0 Show rmon logConsole# show rmon events Syntax Show rmon log eventFollowing example displays the Rmon logging table Console# show rmon log239 240 Console config# rmon table-size historyRmon table-size History table size is Log table size isNo snmp-server community community ip-address Snmp CommandsThere are no default communities defined Snmp-server community242 Default SettingDefault and DefaultSuper views exists Snmp-server viewSnmp-server filter Product specific243 Syntax Snmp-server contact text No snmp-server contact Snmp-server contactSnmp-server location Included245 Snmp-server enable trapsConsole config# snmp-server enable traps Syntax Snmp-server location text No snmp-server location246 Snmp-server trap authenticationConsole config# snmp-server trap authentication Snmp-server host247 Snmp-server set248 Snmp-server groupRouter context is translated to context in the MIB Console config# snmp-server group user-groupv3 priv readSnmp-server user No group entry exists250 251 Following example configures a new Snmp Version 3 userConsole config# snmp-server user Snmp-server v3-hostFollowing example configures an SNMPv3 host Snmp-server engineID local252 253 Syntax Show snmp engineID Default SettingConsoleconfig # snmp-server engineID local default Show snmp engineid254 Syntax Show snmp Default ConfigurationShow snmp Console# sh snmpShow snmp views Syntax Show snmp views viewname255 Show snmp groups Syntax Show snmp groups groupname256 Show snmp filters Syntax Show snmp filters filtername257 Show snmp users Syntax Show snmp users username258 259 Snmp Commands Spanning-tree Spanning-Tree CommandsSpanning-tree mode Syntax Spanning-tree No spanning-tree Default ConfigurationSeconds-Time in seconds. Range 4 Consoleconfig# spanning-tree mode rstpConsoleconfig# spanning-tree forward-time Spanning-tree forward-time263 Spanning-tree hello-timeConsoleconfig# spanning-tree hello-time Spanning-tree max-age264 Spanning-tree priority Spanning-tree disableConsoleconfig# spanning-tree max-age Consoleconfig# spanning-tree priorityCost-The port path cost Range 1 200,000,000 Following example disables spanning-tree on g5Spanning-tree cost Syntax Spanning-tree cost cost No spanning-tree cost267 Consoleconfig-if#spanning-tree port-prioritySpanning-tree port-priority Spanning-tree portfast268 Consoleconfig-if#spanning-tree portfastConsoleconfig-if#spanning-tree link-type shared Spanning-tree link-typeSpanning-tree mst max-hops Default number of hops isConsole config # spanning-tree mst 1 priority Spanning-tree mst priority270 Console config # spanning-tree mst max-hopsConsoleconfig-if#spanning-tree mst 1 port-priority Spanning-tree mst port-priority271 Spanning-tree mst configurationSpanning-tree mst cost Interface Long Short272 Syntax Spanning-tree mst configuration Default SettingInstance mst Syntax Instance instance-id add remove vlan vlan-rangeSyntax Revision value No revision Name mstRevision mst Syntax Name stringSyntax Show current pending Default configuration revision number isFollowing example sets the configuration revision to Show mstAbort mst Syntax Exit Default SettingSyntax Abort Default Setting Exit mst276 Spanning-tree pathcost methodSpanning-tree bpdu Console# spanning-tree pathcost method long277 Consoleconfig# spanning-tree bpdu floodingClear spanning-tree detected-protocols Syntax Spanning-tree bpdu filtering flooding278 Show spanning-treeConsole# clear spanning-tree detected-protocols ethernet g1 Following example displays spanning-tree informationConsole# show spanning-tree 279280 281 282 283 284 285 286 Console# show spanning-tree mst-configuration287 288 289 290 Spanning-tree mst mstp-rstpSpanning-tree guard root Consoleconfig# spanning-tree mst mstp-rstpRoot guard is disabled Interface configuration Ethernet, port-channelFollowing example enable root guard on port g8 Consoleconfig-if#spanning-tree guard root292 SSH Commands Ip ssh portIp ssh server Crypto key generate rsa Syntax Crypto key generate dsa Default ConfigurationConsole config# crypto key generate dsa Crypto key generate dsa295 Syntax Crypto key generate rsa Default ConfigurationConsole config# crypto key generate rsa Ip ssh pubkey-authConsoleconfig# crypto key pubkey-chain ssh Crypto key pubkey-chain sshUser-key Key-string Syntax Key-string row key-string297 Syntax Show ip ssh Default Configuration Show ip ssh298 Rsa-RSA key Dsa-DSA key Following example displays the SSH server configurationShow crypto key mypubkey Syntax Show crypto key mypubkey rsa dsaShow crypto key pubkey-chain ssh 300Console# show crypto key mypubkey rsa 301 Console# show crypto key pubkey-chain sshFollowing example displays the SSH public called bob Console# show crypto key pubkey-chain ssh username bobSSH Commands Logging Syslog CommandsSyntax Logging on no logging on Default Configuration Logging onSyntax Logging console level No logging console Default is informationalLogging console As described in the field descriptionsSyntax Logging buffered level No logging buffered Default level is informationalLogging buffered Logging buffered sizeConsole# clear logging Console config# logging buffered sizeSyntax Clear logging Default Configuration Clear loggingSyntax Logging file level No logging file Syntax Clear logging file Default ConfigurationLogging file Clear logging fileConsole# clear logging file Syntax Show logging Default ConfigurationShow logging Following example clears messages from the logging file309 Syntax Show logging file Default ConfigurationShow logging file Console# show loggingSyntax Show syslog-servers Default Configuration Show syslog-servers310 Following example displays the syslog server settings Console# show syslog-servers311 Syslog Commands 313 Timeout timeout-The default is 2000 millisecondsSystem Management PingTraceroute Following example displays a ping to IP address314 315 316 Special Telnet Command characters Telnet317 318 Keywords Table319 Ports Table320 Following command switches to another open Telnet sessionResume Syntax Resume connectionHostname ReloadShow users Show sessionsConsole# show users Syntax Show system Exec modeShow system Console show sessionsConsole show system Show versionFollowing example displays the system information Syntax Show version 324325 Asset-tagSyntax Asset-tag tag No asset-tag Tag-The device asset tag. Range 1- 16 characters326 Syntax Show system id Default ConfigurationShow system id Console show system id327 Tacacs CommandsTacacs-server host No Tacacs host is specifiedFollowing example specifies a TACACS+ host Tacacs-server timeoutFollowing example sets the authentication encryption key Tacacs-server keyConsole config# tacacs-server timeout Tacacs-server source-ip329 Console# show tacacs Show tacacsSyntax Show tacacs ip-address Ip-address-Name or IP address of the hostEnable DisableUser Interface Syntax Configure LoginConfigure Syntax Login Default Configuration333 ExitconfigurationSyntax Exit Default Configuration All command modesFollowing example closes an active terminal session Syntax End Default ConfigurationExitEXEC EndHistory Syntax Help Default ConfigurationSyntax History No history Default Configuration HelpDebug-mode Syntax History size number-of-commands No history sizeSyntax Debug-mode Default Configuration History sizeSyntax Show history Default Configuration Show history337 Console# show privilege Syntax Show privilege Default ConfigurationShow privilege Console# show historyVlan Commands Vlan databaseVlan Default-vlan disable Interface vlanConsole# vlan database Interface range vlan Syntax Interface range vlan vlan-range all341 342 Switchport access vlanName Syntax Name string no nameSwitchport trunk allowed vlan Console config-if#switchport access vlan343 Console config-if#switchport trunk native vlan Switchport trunk native vlanSwitchport general allowed vlan Console config-if#switchport trunk allowed vlan add 2,5-8345 Switchport general pvidSwitchport general ingress-filtering disable Ingress filtering is enabled346 All VLANs allowed Switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-onlySwitchport forbidden vlan All frame types are accepted at ingress348 Console config-if#switchport forbidden vlan addMap protocol protocols-group Following example maps protocol ip-arp to the group named349 Switchport general map protocols-group vlanIp internal-usage-vlan Vlan-id-VLAN ID of the internal usage VLAN.Range Valid VlanFollowing example displays all Vlan information Console config# ip internal-usage-vlanShow vlan Syntax Show vlan tag vlan-id name vlan-nameSyntax Show vlan internal usage Default Configuration Show vlan internal usage351 Following example displays protocols-groups information Syntax Show vlan protocols-groups Default ConfigurationShow vlan protocols-groups Console# show vlan internal usageShow interfaces switchport Console# show vlan protocols-groups353 Switchport mode Console# show interface switchport ethernet g1Syntax Switchport mode customer access trunk general 354 Vlan-id- Vlan ID of the customer Switchport customer vlanNo switchport mode No Vlan is configured356 Syntax Ip http port port-number No ip http port Web ServerIp http server Ip http portSyntax Ip https port port-number No ip https port Default for the device is disabledIp https server Ip https portFollowing example configures the https port number to Crypto certificate generate359 Following example regenerates a Https certificate Console enable# crypto certificate generate key-generateCrypto certificate request Certificate and the SSL RSA key pairs do not exist361 Console# crypto certificate 1 request362 Crypto certificate importSyntax Crypto certificate number import Number-Specifies the certificate number. Range 1363 Consoleconfig# crypto certificate 1 importIp https certificate Certificate number364 Console config# ip https certificateCrypto certificate export pkcs12 Syntax Crypto certificate number export pkcs12Following example exports the certificate and RSA keys 365Console# crypto certificate 1 export pkcs12 366 Crypto certificate import pkcs12Syntax Crypto certificate number import pkcs12 passphrase Following example imports the certificate and RSA keys367 Console# show crypto certificate mycertificate Show crypto certificate mycertificateSyntax Show crypto certificate mycertificate number Following example displays the certificateShow ip http Show ip httpsConsole# show ip http 370 Console# show ip httpsMethod1 method2...-At least one from the following table 802.1x CommandsAaa authentication dot1x Console config# aaa authentication dot1x default noneDot1x port-control Following example enables 802.1x globallyConsole config# dot1x system-auto-control Dot1x system-auto-control373 Dot1x re-authenticationConsole config-if#dot1x port-control auto Syntax Dot1x re-authentication No dot1x re-authenticationConsole config-if#dot1x timeout re-authperiod Dot1x timeout re-authperiodDot1x re-authenticate Console config-if#dot1x re-authenticationDot1x timeout quiet-period Console# dot1x re-authenticate ethernet g8375 Dot1x timeout tx-period Console config-if#dot1x timeout quiet-period376 377 Dot1x timeout supp-timeoutDot1x max-req Syntax Dot1x max-req count No dot1x max-req378 Dot1x timeout server-timeout379 Console config# dot1x timeout server-timeoutShow dot1x Syntax Show dot1x ethernet interfaceConsole# show dot1x ethernet g3 380Following example displays 802.1X users Show dot1x usersSyntax Show dot1x users username username Username-Supplicant username Range 1- 160 charactersShow dot1x statistics Syntax Show dot1x statistics ethernet interface382 383 Switch# show dot1x statistics ethernet g1384 User should be authorized to access the VlanDot1x auth-not-req Syntax Dot1x auth-not-req no dot1x auth-not-req385 Dot1x multiple-hostsDot1x single-host-violation Syntax Dot1x multiple-hosts no dot1x multiple-hosts386 Show dot1x advancedForward trap Syntax Show dot1x advanced ethernet interfaceSwitch# show dot1x advanced Switch# show dot1x advanced ethernet g1387 388 Console# show dot1x advanced ethernet g1
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5324 specifications

The Dell 5324 is a high-performance network switch that is designed to meet the demands of modern enterprise networking. This switch represents a blend of advanced features aimed at enhancing network efficiency, reliability, and scalability, which are crucial for businesses looking to optimize their infrastructure.

One of the standout features of the Dell 5324 is its Layer 3 routing capabilities. It supports static routing and various dynamic routing protocols, including RIP, OSPF, and BGP, allowing for efficient data transfer across complex networks. This capability is particularly beneficial for organizations that require robust inter-VLAN routing and seamless connectivity with multiple network segments.

The Dell 5324 comes equipped with 24 Gigabit Ethernet ports, which provide ample connectivity options for devices within the network. Additionally, it includes four 10 Gigabit SFP+ ports, enabling users to integrate high-speed uplinks easily. This flexibility allows businesses to expand their network as demand grows without the need for a completely new setup.

Power over Ethernet (PoE) support is another significant advantage of the Dell 5324, as it enables the switch to deliver both data and power to connected devices through a single Ethernet cable. This feature is particularly useful for powering IP phones, security cameras, and Wi-Fi access points, simplifying the overall cabling and ensuring a neater installation.

Furthermore, the Dell 5324 offers advanced security features that help protect the network from unauthorized access and potential threats. It includes features such as 802.1X port-based authentication, MAC address filtering, and VLAN segmentation, ensuring that only authorized devices can connect to the network.

The user-friendly web-based interface alongside command-line interface (CLI) access enhances manageability, allowing network administrators to monitor performance, configure settings, and troubleshoot issues with ease. In addition, the switch supports network automation protocols, which can streamline management tasks and improve efficiency.

The industrial-grade design of the Dell 5324 ensures its reliability in various environments, making it a suitable choice for data centers and enterprise networks alike. With its combination of performance, scalability, and security features, the Dell 5324 stands out as a capable solution for organizations looking to improve their network infrastructure. Its capabilities make it a versatile addition for businesses aiming for a robust and future-ready networking environment.