Configuring the IP Address
Chapter 4: Configuring the IP Address
Before you can begin the configuration of your PES1A/PESV1A you must know its IP address to access it with a web browser. Once you have access to the Configuration and Management Interface via a web browser you can reset the IP address using static IP addressing, if necessary.
Your PES1A/PESV1A comes from the factory configured to obtain an IP address dynamically, or failing that, to generate its own IP address using the APIPA protocol. You can determine the current IP address using the discovery software included on the CD with your PES1A/PESV1A
Using the Discovery Software
1.Connect the PES1A/PESV1A to your network (with PoE supply installed and operating). When it starts it will obtain an IP address.
2.To determine the initial IP address of your PES1A/PESV1A, start the finder.exe utility included on the included CD.
Figure 9. Discovery Utility Dialog
3.The finder.exe utility scans the network for devices and then lists each device’s IP Address, MAC Address, Name and Product ID. Identify your PES1A/PESV1A by its MAC address (printed on a label on the PES1A/PESV1A).
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Configuring the IP Address
If you need to change the IP address of the PES1A/PESV1A, you can accomplish this using the discovery software, or you can open the Web Configuration and Management Interface and do it there. (See Configuring Network Settings later in the next chapter.)
1.To change the IP address of the PES1A/PESV1A from the discovery software, click Configure IP Settings.
2.In the dialog that appears, select Manually configure network settings.
3.Type the new IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway and system password (initially dbps) in the appropriate boxes, then click Apply.
4.Click Reboot Device. This may take a minute or more to complete.
5.Click Refresh List to confirm the new IP address has been accepted.
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