3 Configuring the BEA WebLogic Adapter for SAP
The full response document follows.
Listing 3-1 Full Response Document from ListCustomer
<ANRED>Firma</ANRED> <NAME1>Auto Klement</NAME1> <PFACH/>
<ANRED>Firma</ANRED> <NAME1>Autohaus Franzl GmbH</NAME1> <PFACH/> <STRAS>Schwarzhauptstrasse 51</STRAS> <PSTLZ>80939</PSTLZ> <ORT01>Muenchen</ORT01> <TELF1>089/3546721</TELF1> <TELFX>089/3546722</TELFX>
You can now write custom code to exploit the adapter or create a process flow in Studio. For more information, see “Using Application Views in the Studio” in Using Application Integration:
For WebLogic Integration 7.0, see
For WebLogic Integration 2.1, see