| 5.0 Troubleshooting | 4 |
General Troubleshooting | Troubleshooting Chart |
Malfunction corrections are based on visual obser- vations made by the operator. The causes of the malfunctions are isolated by the symptom of the malfunction and noting at which point in the operat- ing cycle the malfunction occurred. Malfunctions may be pinpointed to a defective electrical compo- nent or mechanical part by referring to the Principles of Operation, the troubleshooting guide and the wiring diagram.
The troubleshooting guide chart that follows is arranged in order of the normal operational sequence. When a malfunction occurs, read down
the SYMPTOM column until you the appropri- ate description for your symptom. Read the corre- sponding PROBABLE CAUSE, then perform the recommended procedure in the CORRECTIVE ACTION column. When replacing electrical compo- nents that have push on terminals, label the electri- cal leads that were removed, to facilitate reconnect ing them. Refer to the wiring diagram on page 6 to resolve any wiring di
culties that may occur.
Always unplug the shredder to avoid possible elec- trical shock hazard before attempting to perform any repairs.