Customizing Home Screen Items
To add a Home Screen item (shortcuts, widgets, folders etc.), you can tap the application
icon to display all applications and then hold your tap on an item until it is placed on home page.
To move a Home Screen item, hold your finger onto it until it is highlighted, then drag it to the desired location, and release it.
To remove a Home Screen item, hold your finger onto it until it is highlighted, drag it to the recycle bin “Remove” and then release your finger.
Changing the wallpaper
Hold your tap on the Home screen until a menu appear. Tap on “Wallpaper” and then choose a picture as the desktop wallpaper.
Weather Forecast Setting
You can choose a worldwide city you are interested in by tapping the weather forcast info. Locate the city by selecting the state where the city is and then selecting the city, or inputing the city name directly in the “Search City” filed.
You can change the default temperature unit by checking or unchecking the “Use Celsius” option.
Preset Applications
The device has many useful applications
Tab to display them.