2Select Install MD Storage Software.
3Read and accept the license agreement.
4Select one of the following installation options from the Install Set
5Select the MD storage array model(s) you are setting up to serve as data storage for this host server.
6Choose whether to start the event monitor service automatically when the host server reboots or manually
NOTE: This option is applicable only to Windows client software installation.
7Confirm the installation location and click Install.
8If prompted, reboot the host server once the installation completes.
9Start the MD Storage Manager and discover the array(s).
10If applicable, activate any premium features purchased with your storage array. If you purchased premium features, see the printed activation card shipped with your storage array.
NOTE: The MD Storage Manager installer automatically installs the required drivers, firmware, and operating system patches/hotfixes to operate your storage array. These drivers and firmware are also available at support.dell.com. In addition, see the Support Matrix at support.dell.com/manuals for any additional settings and/or software required for your specific storage array.