Dell 420 manual 10. UÜ Chassis Intrusion ,wnx ¡Ë

Page 19

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10. Chassis Intrusion,wnx ¡Ë

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Image 19 Contents
System Memory Upgrade Page Page Page Go to http// $*+ $ + ++ Shows the RIMMs and Rimm sockets Top of system Amount of system memory has changed Reset the Chassis Intrusion option Notches Securing clips +$ $+ %+$+$ $ Dell Precision WorkStation #$% +,-./012345$6789 #$#%&*+&,-.-% Dell Precision WorkStation Bios Rimm Rimm Rimm 10. UÜ Chassis Intrusion ,wnx ¡Ë Rimm NOPQR3~€ ‚ƒH„XŒ…†#’ V89 Rimm €âÄ43«‘ ó Rimm K’ W÷j ¤-rt Page Dell Precision #$%&*!+,-./012./345 +6789=49!?@A!BCDE$ +,-./0+,12324 5% Dell Precision Page 1RIMM Rimm Rimm #$% Chassis Intrusion uvwx £½ƒ ›BVRü System Security `Oqy £½ #$ Rimm Rimm Page Dell Precision WorkStation #$%# +,-./01 Dell Precision WorkStation Page Åy% Dell Precision 420 789ƒ2 4 Rimm ˜QT 2 GB N Og R Rimm 512 MB 256 MB EnabledEnabled-SilentDisabled÷mš Rimm Rimm Dell PrecisionWorkStation #$% +,-./012&3456.78 #$ %&* + #$.&/0!123 456#$789* + Page Page Amount of system memory has changed TUBv2?#!@A%Ï #ib+€ u2 ?QRS%QsóïQ-¨ü,4=2?ZýQ,B ßQ012
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