Dell Latitude
Appendix A
.NET Framework Requirements
What is .NET Framework?
The .NET Framework is a software framework from Microsoft, which is bundled with Windows operating systems. The .NET Framework is intended to be used by most applications created for the Microsoft Windows platform.
.NET Framework Requirements?
| Windows 7 |
| Driver / SW Stack |
| .NET 3.5 |
| |
| |
| Intel GMA 4500MHD Graphics |
| Intel | Intel GMA HD Graphics | .NET 3.0 |
| Intel Media Adapter HD/HD 2000/HD 3000 |
| |
| AMD Catalyst Control Center - Control Panel | N/A |
| |
| |
| Intel MSM / RST Storage | .NET 3.0 |
| |
Windows Vista
.NET 3.0
.NET 3.0
.NET 3.5x
.NET 3.0
Windows XP
.NET 1.1
.NET 3.0
.NET 3.0