MTM In-Wall Cinema Speaker
Congratulations on your purchase of the AudioSource AS515 MTM
Please read this Installation Manual to ensure the proper installation and performance of your AS515 speaker.
Preparing for your Installation
Gather the necessary tools for your installation.
You will need the following tools:
1)A Keyhole or Drywall Saw
2)A Phillips Screwdriver
3)Masking Tape
4)A Pencil
5)A Bubble or Laser Level
6)A Tape Measure
7)A Stud Finder (recommended)
8)Your AS515 Speaker
Plan your speaker placement carefully. Make certain that electrical, plumbing and any other services will not interfere within the walls where you plan to place your speakers. The AS515 speakers can be mounted in the walls or in the ceiling, but are typically used in walls as a stereo pair (see fi g. 1). They are also used as a center channel, or as a Left, Center, Right confi guration.
In most modern buildings the wall studs are positioned on 16” centers, providing a space between the studs of approximately 14 3/8”. The AS515 requires a mounting hole 6 7/8” wide and
13 15/16” high. Additionally, you should allow an extra inch in all directions behind the wall surface to allow room for the doglegs that retain the frame to the wall surface to swing into position.
Use a stud fi nder to locate the vertical studs behind the wall sur- face. You should now check for obstructions like cross bracing
above and below the desired speaker location. After selection of the mounting location, mark the hole to be cut out. A handy cardboard template is included with your AS515 speaker for your convenience. Locate and level the template, then mark with pencil on the wall surface. If you are unsure whether there are obstructions behind the wall surface where the speakers are to be mounted, cut a small hole in the center of your marked mounting location. Holding your drywall saw at a 45 degree angle (see Fig. 2) cut a square hole that you can use to fi nd any obstructions, should they exist.
Once it has been determined that there are no obstructions, cut the hole to mount the speaker using the drywall saw at a 90 degree angle to the wall surface. Cover the raw edges of the wallboard with masking tape (see Fig. 3). This will prevent the back pressure of the speaker from blowing loose gypsum dust out and onto the painted wall surface after installation. Do not allow the tape to extend more than 1/2” beyond the edge of the hole into the room. The frame of the AS515 will cover and hide the tape.
Next, run your speaker wire to your speaker locations. UL rated, CL3 speaker wire is recommended when running wire inside your walls (such as Phoenix Gold Innovative Home SS162W*) In many areas it may be required by code. When running your speaker wire you should avoid having the speaker wire run parallel to the 110V power lines to avoid picking up hum and interference from the power service. If the speaker wire needs to cross a 110V power line, place it at a right angle to the 110V line to minimize any hum or interference.
If you are uncomfortable with running the speaker wire yourself in existing construction, it is recommended that you retain a qualifi ed custom home installation specialist or electrician.
*Available in 3 convenient lengths: 50’
Figure 2
16" WALL STUD SPACING | Figure 3 |
Figure 1