Dell PP01X manual Dell Latitude System Information

Page 15

Before installing a new battery, check the battery’s charge by pressing the battery test button. The battery gauge will not light if the battery is completely drained.

To replace a battery in the battery bay, perform the following steps.

NOTE: For full instructions, see your User’s Guide.

1.Save your work and close all open files and application programs.

2.If the computer is docked, undock it.

3.If the modular bay contains a battery, go to step 5.

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4.If the only battery in the computer is in the battery bay and that is the battery you want to replace, either connect the computer to an electrical outlet or preserve your data in one of these ways.

Use suspend mode.

Use hibernate mode.

NOTE: For more information about suspend and hibernate modes, see your User’s Guide.

5.Close the computer display, turn the computer over, and remove the battery.


1-12 Dell Latitude System Information

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