Relays Enable Solar Powered Systems
Safety and remote control functions
As environmental concerns and sustainability become more important, interest is growing in solar power generation. Tyco Electronics supplies a number of core components that may be used in PhotoVoltaic (PV) solar modules, both in domestic and commercial installations.
PV solar energy systems typically consist of a generator and a power inverter with a connection to the public power grid. The connection is
Safety measures require an automatic switching unit with a circuit break function between the generator and
For PV systems with galvanic isolation and
Tyco Electronics offers a variety of solutions for solar generation systems from its RM, 041083 and PCFN product families. The PCFN Solar, for instance, is a normally open monostable relay that occupies a printed circuit area of just 490mm² and dissipates very little power. It has a continuous contact rating of 26A and the required 1.5mm contact gap.
Although electromechanical relays are already mandatory for interconnection to the power grid, they are also useful for coupling the PV generator to the inverter electronics. Use of a component
such as the Tyco Electronics EV 200 allows implementation of special features such as remote on/off switching, service disconnection and reversible emergency shutdown in the event of a fault. The EV 200 can accommodate voltages up to 900VDC and current requirements up to 200A.
Relays may also be used in PV systems for interface functions and for internal monitoring, test and diagnostic purposes. Relays with large contact gaps such as the RP920145 are often required for such applications.
Features: PCFN Solar
UOne normally open contact
U26A current rating
URated voltage 277VAC
UBreaking capacity 7,200VA
UContact gap larger than 1.5mm
UClearance/creepage 6.1mm
UOperation requires 1.5W for 100ms
U200mW holding power
Features: EV 200
UOne normally open bridging contact
U200A current rating
URated voltage 320V (900V maximum)
U2,000A breaking capacity
UContact gap larger than 1.3mm
UCoil voltage 9VDC to 36VDC
UOperation requires 1.5W for 100ms
U200mW holding power
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