Ordinary Operation (Current Time of Day)
During ordinary operation the current time of day is displayed. The following features are available:
Display Presentation
Use the DISPLAY key to toggle the display presentation:
Analog Only | Numeric Only | Both |
Backlight (and Nightlight) Brightness
Use the MIN +/- (Brightness) keys to toggle between HIGH (default) and LOW brightness options. If the nightlight is on, its intensity is also adjusted.
Master Volume
Use the HR +/- (Volume) keys to adjust the volume. There are four volume options as follows: OFF, LOW (1), MEDIUM (2) and HIGH (3). While the volume is being adjusted the display indicates the current volume level for 5 seconds.
“Toe” Button Operations
LEFT: In ordinary time mode the left toe button toggles the nightlight on and off unless the nightlight timer is enabled (see Using The Nightlight Timer on p. 11).
RIGHT: Pressing the right toe button announces the current time.
TIP: The functions on this page are only available when Teach Me Time! is displaying the current time of day.
TIP: The master volume does not affect the wake chime volume, only the voice announcements.
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