St. Bernard Software, Inc. Protecting Your Network Investment
Conformance Reporting
Conformance Reporting tells you whether Required Updates have, or have not, been installed on specific machines. You can, for example, deploy a required update, requery the machines, and run a Conformance report to see if any machines were missed (these could have been offline for example, or unreachable because of hardening).
To check the Conformance Report configuration, go to View > Options > Conformance Report
>Include Not Installed, and verify that “Include required updates that are not installed” is checked (as shown below). Make sure Include Installed options are unchecked. This will simplify the report for evaluation purposes.
Go to Reports > Conformance Report and run the report for your selected machine.
You should get output similar to below in the Web Browser tab of UpdateEXPERT.
June 19th, 2006 | UpdateEXPERT Premium v7.01 Evaluation Guide | 17 |