Sonic Alert warranty Sonic Shaker Portable Vibrating Alarm Clock Model SBP100, General Data

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Sonic Shaker Portable Vibrating Alarm Clock

Model SBP100


Power: DC 3V(1.5Vx2 pieces AA SIZE) & DC1.5V (1.5Vx1 pieces AA A SIZE)

Made in China

INSTALLATION (See back side for additional directions for settings)


1.1Remove the BATTERY COMPARTMENT (10), insert 1 AAA battery for the clock and insert 2 AA batteries for the vibrator/alarm.

1.2To insert the batteries, please observe the correct position of the polarity, as marked inside the battery compartment.


2.1When the LCD screen becomes dim, it is time to change the AAA battery.

2.2When alarm sound quality becomes poor or volume is low or the vibrator is vibrating very slow, it is usually an indication of weak batteries. Replace the weak batteries to avoid any possible leakage.


3.1If the unit is not used for long period of time, remove all batteries to avoid any possible leakage.

3.2When traveling with this unit it is advised to remove the batteries for the vibrator/alarm (2 AA size) to avoid draining the batteries in the event light button is accidentally pressed during travel.

SETTING CLOCK TIME AND ALARM TIME (see back for diagrams)


4.1Press and hold the TIME SET button (2), then press the Hour button (4) until the correct hour is displayed. Remember to set the correct AM or PM. When PM time is registered, a "P"(9) will appear on the display.

4.2Press and hold the TIME SET button (2), then press the Minute button (5) until the correct time is displayed.


5.1Press and hold the ALARM SET button (3), then press the Hour button (4) until the correct hour is displayed. Remember to set the correct AM or PM. When PM time is registered, a "P"(9) will appear on the display.

5.2Press and hold the ALARM SET button (3), then press the Minute button (5) until the correct time is displayed.

ALARM OPERATION (see back for diagrams)

6) Set the alarm time as indicated in Setting Alarm Time.

6.1Set the Alarm ON/OFF Switch (1) to ON. Alarm indicator will appear in the top center of the display (8) indicating the alarm function is on. The alarm is now set to turn on automatically at the selected time.

6.2You can select the alarm mode for waking, i.e. buzzer, vibrator, or buzzer and vibrator by setting the Alarm Mode Switch (6) to your desired position.

6.3With the alarm sounding, press the ALARM OFF (3) to turn off the alarm. The alarm comes on again the next day at the same time.

6.4With the alarm sounding, press the Snooze Button (7) after the alarm sounds, the alarm will go off and will come on again in approximately 4 minutes. You may repeat this cycle as many times as desired.

6.5To stop the alarm permanently set the Alarm ON/OFF Switch (1) to OFF.

Night Light (see back for diagram)

7) To read the clock time in the dark, press and hold the Light / Snooze Button (7)

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Contents Setting Clock Time and Alarm Time see back for diagrams Sonic Shaker Portable Vibrating Alarm Clock Model SBP100Alarm Operation see back for diagrams Night Light see back for diagramSonic Alert Made in China
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SBP100 specifications

The Sonic Alert SBP100 is a premier bedside alarm clock designed specifically for the hearing impaired. It combines innovative technology with user-friendly features to ensure individuals can effectively manage their wake-up routine. One of the standout characteristics of the SBP100 is its powerful bed shaker, which vibrates vigorously to provide a tactile alert, making it impossible for heavy sleepers to ignore.

In addition to its shaker functionality, the SBP100 also includes a loud alarm, adjustable up to 113 decibels. This high-volume alarm ensures that it can capture attention even in noisy environments. It's perfect for those who require both sound and vibration to wake up on time. Users can customize their wake-up experience by adjusting the volume and vibration settings according to personal preferences.

The SBP100 is equipped with a large, easy-to-read LED display that offers clear visibility. This is particularly important for individuals with vision impairments. The display also features a dimmer function, allowing users to adjust the brightness to their liking, ensuring comfort during the night without causing disruption in a dark room.

Furthermore, the Sonic Alert SBP100 comes with a snooze button, making it convenient for users who may wish to catch a few extra minutes of sleep. The clock is designed with a simple interface, making it easy for people of all ages to operate effectively.

Another notable feature of the SBP100 is its battery backup system. In case of a power failure, the clock ensures that the alarm will still function, providing peace of mind to users who rely heavily on this device for their daily routine.

The clock is also compact and lightweight, enabling easy portability for use while traveling. This makes it an excellent companion for those who are constantly on the go but still need a reliable alarm system that caters to their specific needs.

In conclusion, the Sonic Alert SBP100 is an exceptional bedside alarm clock tailored for the hearing impaired. With its loud alarm, powerful bed shaker, customizable settings, and user-friendly design, it enhances the waking experience for those who might struggle with traditional alarm clocks. This product represents a significant advancement in assistive technology, ensuring that everyone can start their day on time.