Savin 2555 manual 113

Page 14


BSet the next original. When it is placed on the exposure glass, press the {Start} key.

CPress the {#} key after the last original has been scanned.

2 Sided 2 Sided





APress the [Duplex/Combine] key.


BPress the [2 Sided] key for original, then press the [2 Sided] key for copy.


To change the copy orientation to “Top to Bottom”, press the [Orientation] key and select [Top to Bottom]. See ⇒ P.110 “Specifying Orientation of Bound Originals”.

CPress the [OK] key.

DSet your originals, then press the {Start} key.


Image 14
Contents Savin Directional Magnification % 101To specify a ratio with the n and o keys 102To enter the ratio with the number keys 103Directional Size Magnification inch 104105 Press the D. Size Mag.inch key106 Duplex/Combine 107108 109 Original Direction and Completed CopiesOriginals and Copy Direction Specifying Orientation of Bound Originals 110Sided → 2 Sided DuplexSided → 2 Sided 111112 Reference113 114 Combine Portrait K originals 116117 Setting originals Originals set in the document feederSided 2 Pages → Combine 1 Side 118 Sided 4 Pages → Combine 1 Side 119Sided 8 Pages → Combine 1 Side 120121 Sided 4 Pages → Combine 2 Side 122Sided 8 Pages → Combine 2 Side 123124 Sided 16 Pages → Combine 2 Side 125126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 Series/Book Inch version Series CopiesMetric version 138Sided→1 Sided 139Copying Book Originals 140Book→2 Sided 141142 143 144 Press the Multi→2 Sided key145 PortraitLandscape How to fold copies to make a booklet 146147 148 How to fold and unfold copies to make a magazine 149150 Cover/Slip Sheet Front CoverCopy Blank 152153 154 Front/Back CoversCopy 155 Designate 156157 Press the Designate/Chapter keyChapters 158159 160 161 162 When using OHP transparencies set on the bypass traySlip Sheets 163 164 Double Copies 165166 Original A5K/Copy paper A4L or Original A5L/Copy paper A4K Image RepeatOriginal A5K/Copy paper A4K or Original A5L/Copy paper A4L 167To repeat the whole image of the original 168To repeat the image of the selected area 169Margin Adjustment 170171 Center/Border EraseCenter 172Border Erase 173Selecting Same Width 174175 Center EraseSelecting 4 Sides 176 Center/Border Erase 177178 Centering 179180 Stamp Background Numbering182 Press the Background Numbering keyPreset Stamp 183184 To change the stamp position, size or density 185User Stamp 186187 188 189 To change the stamp positionProgram/Delete User Stamp 190 To program the User Stamp 191192 To delete the User Stamp 193Date Stamp 194195 To change the style of date 196197 Numbering 198199 200 Numbering per originalNumbering per copy 201 Press the Page Numbering keyIf you selected P1,P2…, -1-,-2-…, P.1, P.2…, 1, 2… 202If you selected 1/5,2/5… 203If you selected 1-1, 1-2,… 204205 Combination Chart 206Combination Chart 207208