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Brilliantly Simple Contactless | ||
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| QX1000 |
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128 x 32 pixel white backlit LCD with 4 lines and up to 21 characters; superior graphics capabilities for
Height: 181.1mm (7.13 in)
Width: 83.5mm (3.29 in)
Depth: 40.0mm (1.57in)
Shipping Weight: 0.413kg (0.91 lb)
Serial, USB:
Card Interface
ISO 14443 type A & B
User Interface
4 LEDs and light bar Buzzer
MasterCard PayPass M/Chip MasterCard PayPass MagStripe Visa payWave MSD
Visa payWave qVSDC Discover Network Zip American Express ExpressPay
Secure SoftSAM protects contactless encryption keys
Hardware SAM optional
Features & Benefits
Contactless Convenience
•Ideal for a variety of retailers – from quick service restaurants and petro stations to retail stores, parking garages, movie theatres and sports arenas
•Enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty, and increases average ticket size
•Improved operational efficiencies and reduced cash handling decrease overhead
•Graphic capabilities support multiple languages
Intelligent Design
•Highly readable, 128 x 32 pixel, white backlit display and upright position is easy for customers to use
•Large branding area available to reinforce the retailer’s brand
•Multiple LEDs and buzzer clearly communicate payment transaction status to both the consumer and the merchant
•Contactless logo placement on the head of the device clearly communicates where to tap
Exceptional Technology, Backward And Forward Compatibility
•VeriFone’s advanced contactless architecture
•Support for MasterCard PayPass, American Express ExpressPay, Visa payWave, Discover Zip and MiFare
•Cables and accessories compatible with the PINpad 1000SE
•Designed to read Near Field Communications (NFC) enabled handsets to extend payment to cell phones and other consumer electronic devices
©2009 VeriFone. All rights reserved. VeriFone, the VeriFone logo, QX and SingleCI are either trademarks or registered trademarks of VeriFone in the United States and/or other countries. All features and specifications are subject to change without notice. All other trademarks, product names, and logos identified or mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. 02/09 45717 Rev A 0/FS
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