Installing switch software
To install the new switch software:
1Power up the system and interrupt the boot process by pressing return on the console.
Copyright (c)
CPU Slot 5: PPC 740 Map B
Version: xxxxxxx
Creation Time: Feb 21 2001, 18:06:32
Hardware Time: JUN 14 2001, 13:11:32 UTC
Memory Size: 0x04000000
Start Type: warm /flash/ - Volume is OK
Loaded boot configuration from file /flash/boot.cfg
2Press <Return> to stop
3Set up the new software version to boot:
monitor# choice primary
4Save this configuration. monitor# save
5Install the boot monitor.
monitor# boot /flash/p80b3120.img
################ 8K CPU BOOT FLASH Update ################
File p80b3100b018.rom found in loaded image File size: 624996 bytes
Number of flash sectors to be programmed: 10
WARNING: You are about to
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