Tektronix 550 brochure Options

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Phaser® 550

Color Laser Printer

Ordering Information



Tested and Approved

Phaser 550 Laser Printer

Includes power cord; installation instructions; user manual; supplies start-up kit; and printer drivers with an instruction manual. The Phaser 550 is available in the standard configuration or with factory installed options.

Phaser 550 Standard Configuration

Includes 8 MB RAM. (110 Volt, Letter-size media) Order Z550/A and Z550SK1/A.

Phaser 550 Standard with Ethernet Includes 8 MB RAM and factory installed Ethernet for Novell NetWare, EtherTalk, and TCP/IP protocols. (110 Volt, Letter-size media) Order Z550/B and Z550SK1/A.

Phaser 550 Standard with Ethernet and Extended Features Includes 24 MB RAM Extended Features set and factory installed Ethernet for Novell NetWare, EtherTalk, and TCP/IP protocols. (110 Volt, Letter-size media) Order Z550/C and Z550SK1/A.


Paper Input Trays

Each holds 250 sheets of paper.

Letter-size: Order 436-0282-00

Legal-size: Order 436-0314-00

A4-size: Order 436-0283-00

Transparency Input Trays

Each holds 100 transparencies for auto feed. Letter-size: Order 436-0284-00

A4-size: Order 436-0285-00

Lower Tray Assembly

Includes two additional input trays, one with capacity for 250 sheets of paper, and one with capacity for 100 transparencies. Letter-size: Order 4676FTA A4-size: Order 4676FTA Option 01

Additional Memory

Additional memory can be added in increments of 16- or 32-Mbyte SIMMs. Total memory capacity is 72 Mbytes. Add 16 Mbytes of RAM Order 4685F16; Add 32 Mbytes of RAM Order Z480F32;

Add 64 Mbytes of RAM Order 2 each Z480F32.

Extended Features Firmware

Provides support for 1200 dpi print modes, 39 resident fonts, Check Print Preview, Print Collation, and Job Pipelining (requires at least 24 Mbytes of memory). Order Z550FX.

PhaserShareEthernet Card

Internal Ethernet interface with support for Novell NetWare, EtherTalk, and TCP/IP protocols.

PhaserShareLocalTalk/Serial Card

Internal network interface for LocalTalk/AppleTalk and RS-232 serial. Order 4676FP3.

Call 1-800-835-6100 for your nearest Tektronix dealer. http://www.tek.com/Color_Printers/

PhaserShareToken Ring Card

Internal Token Ring interface with support for Novell NetWare, TokenTalk, and TCP/IP protocols.

Order 4676FP4.

Phaser Copystation

Includes SCSI cable; power cord; and user manual. Adds the ability to make color or black-and-white copies from any original on your Phaser 550. Product order number 4540.

Parallel/Centronics Cable

Connects the printer’s parallel port to a PC or worksta- tion parallel port. Order 012-1468-00.

Workstation Software

Provides fast, raster image printing with an easy-to-use, graphical user interface for control of printer features.


Supports SUN (Solaris 1.x and 2.x), SGI, HP 9000, IBM RS/6000, and DEC (ULTRIX and Alpha OSF/1).

Order 4690F20.

EasyCopy/X Software

DEC OpenVMS AXP. Order 4690F27;

DEC OpenVMS VAX. Order 4890F29.

PhaserSym Software

VMS Print Symbiont. Order 4690F41.

TekColor Care Service Plans

Installation and set-up. Order 46S0.

RealSUPPORTOn-site Coverage Plans include parts and labor for the Phaser 550 and Customer Replaceable Units (CRUs), at your location.

One year of On-site Service. Order Z550S1. Two years of On-site Service. Order Z550S2. Three years of On-site Service. Order Z550 S3. RealSUPPORT Express Exchange Plus includes parts and labor for the Phaser 550 at your location, and return-to-depot coverage of parts and labor for CRUs (excluding toner).

One year of Express Exchange Plus. Order Z550D1. Two year of Express Exchange Plus. Order Z550D2. Three years of Express Exchange Plus. Order Z550D3.

Argentina: 54 1 805 2700 or 541 300 5430; Australia: 02 888 7066; België en

Luxemburg: 02 715 89 80; Brazil: 55 11 543 1911; Canada: 416 747 5000;

Caribbean: 407 692 9900; Chile: 562 235 1190; China: Beijing: 8610 235 1186 or

8610 235 1230, Chengdu: 8628 558 6771, Guangzhou: 8620 335 8024, Shanghai:

8621 6471 0330; Danmark: 44 850 700; Deutschland: 0221 9477 0; E.Europe, Near

East and Eire: +44 1628 403627; Egypt: 0261 9291; España: 1 372 6012; France:

1 69 86 81 81; Gulf Region: 971 2 318 813; Hong Kong: 852 2585 6688; Iceland:

+354 568 1665; India: 80 226 5470; Indonesia: 62 21 520 1432; Israel: 3 645 8777;

Italia: 02 25086 499; Japan: 81 3 3448 3030; Korea: 82 2 528 5299; Kuwait: +965 2

436 045; Malaysia: 60 3 293 9322 or 60 3 293 6000; México: 52 5 564 6649 or 52 5

628 1000 or 52 8 333 6622 or 52 5 262 1800; Nederland: 023

5695555; New Zealand: 9 415 6928; Norge: 22 07 07 00;

Österreich: +44 1628 403627; Pakistan: 92 21 455 5915;

Philippines: 63 2 636 0142; Puerto Rico: 809 792 5139; Saudi

Arabia: 01 477 1650; Schweiz: 041 711 91 92; Singapore: 65

356 3900; S.Africa: 11 444 7716; Suomi: 90 4783 400; Sverige:

08 629 65 01; Taiwan: 886 2 765 6362; Thailand: 66 2 308

2900; U.K.: 01628 403600; U.S.: 503 682 7377

The information in this brochure is subject to change without notice. Copyright © 1996 Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved. 550DS-01UA-03 This document was printed on-demand, on a Phaser color printer, to conserve resources. April, 1996

Image 3
Contents Blazing Speed Razor-Sharp ResolutionHigh-Volume Production One-Stop, Network Laser PrintingPhaser Copystation Options