miniSDHC Card series
4GB High Capacity miniSD Card
The product revision is composed of two Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) digits, four bits each, representing an “n.m” revision number. The “n” is the most significant nibble and “m” is the least significant nibble.
As an example, the PRV binary value field for product revision “6.2” will be: 0110 0010
The Serial Number is 32 bits of binary number.
The manufacturing date composed of two hexadecimal digits, one is 8 bit representing the year(y) and the other is four bits representing the month(m).
The “m” field [11:8] is the month code. 1 = January. The “y” field [19:12] is the year code. 0 = 2000.
As an example, the binary value of the Date field for production date “April 2001” will be: 00000001 0100.
CRC7 checksum (7 bits).
3. CSD Register
CSD Version 2.0 is applied to only the High Capacity SD Memory Card. The field name in parenthesis is set to fixed value and indicates that the host is not necessary to refer these fields. The fixed values enables host, which refers to these fields, to keep compatibility to CSD Version 1.0. The Cell Type field is coded as follows: R = readable, W(1) = writable once, W = multiple writable.
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