....like so. Now let's | The Acer Ferrari 4000 | This is the Main | You can tell the | You can activate the |
reboot and check out | uses the | Screen where you can | Ferrari 4000 to | Ferrari 4000's Gigabit |
the Ferrari 4000's | and | configure basic | automatically detect | Ethernet NIC's ability |
BIOS. | Phoenix BIOS. This is | system settings: | and use a second | to boot from a |
| the Information | Quiet Boot | external display if | network here. |
| Screen which gives a | determines whether | detected on power- |
| peek at what's under | you see the cool | up, or force it to look |
| the Ferrari 4000's | Ferrari splash screen | for and use both the |
| impressive hood. | on | laptop's LCD and |
| more pedestrian text- | external display for |
| based BIOS and | those fussy external |
| system startup info. | display devices that |
| need a little coaxing. |
The engine beneath the Acer Ferrari 4000’s hood is a fast and
Included with the Ferrari 4000 is a Bluetooth rechargeable wireless mouse. Powered by two rechargeable AA batteries, the
Enabling this will | D2D is the | The LCD Auto Dim | With the exception of | Adding, changing, or |
bring up a menu of | Disk Backup and | automatically lowers | the Infrared Port, | clearing system |
options that will let | Recovery system, | the brightness on the | both the Serial port A: | passwords is done |
you choose which | which can be | LCD display to | and Parallel port | here, at the Security |
device in the Acer | accessed by hitting | conserve power when | entries are useless, | Screen. Here, the |
Ferrari 4000 to boot | <Alt><F10> while | the laptop is operated | as the Ferrari 4000 | Supervisor Password |
from. | the laptop is booting. | on battery; then | has neither. | controls access to the |
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