AGFA 310 appendix Contents

Page 3







About SnapScan


Environmental requirements




Cleaning your scanner


SCSI devices


How to use this guide


How to print this online guide


Chapter 1 — Preparing the scanner


Unpacking the scanner


Unlocking the scanner


Locking the scanner


Taking a closer look


Performing a power-on test


Chapter 2 — Installing the scanner for the Macintosh computer


Hardware requirements


Installation of the scanner hardware


Choosing a SCSI ID number


Setting the scanner to a SCSI ID number


Connecting the scanner


Testing the connection


Electronic registration


Installing the software


Placing reflective originals


Chapter 3 — Installing the scanner for the PC


Hardware requirements


Installation of the hardware


Installation with the Agfa supplied SCSI card


Installation if your PC already has a SCSI interface card


Testing the connection


Electronic registration


Installing the software


Windows 95


Windows 3.11


Windows NT version 3.51


Windows NT version 4.0


Placing reflective originals


Co n t e n t s


Image 3
Contents AP S C AN 3 1 Owner’s GuideN v e n t io n s TrademarksContents Co n t e n t s Re fa ce Ab o u t S n a p S c a nIc k n e s s E c a u t io n s V ir o n m e n t a l r e q u ir e m e n t sS I d e v ic e s Le a n in g y o u r s c a n n e rUs e t h e G o Ba c k an d G o For w a r d W t o u s e t h is g u id eId e n t if ie d as h y p e r te x t l i n k Us e t h e F i r s t P a g e o r L a s t P a g eW t o p r in t t h is o n lin e g u id e Clic k O KCh o o s e P rin t f ro m t h e File me n u P a c k in g t h e s c a n n e r Ha pte r 1 Preparing the scannerU r s c an n e r is u n lo c k e d Lo c k in g t h e s c a n n e rC k in g t h e s c a n n e r K in g a c lo s e r lo o k Ru le rsO we r s wit c h CS I -I D s wit c h We r c o n n e c t o rR f o r m in g a p o we r o n t e s t Installing the scanner for the Macintosh computer R d wa r e r e q u ir e m e n t sAc e Hoos ing a SC SI ID num be r S t a lla t io n o f t h e s c a n n e r h a r d wa r eAn n e r u n t il y o u s e e t h e n u mb e r y o u wan t Se tting the s c a nne r to a SC SI ID num be rMp u t e r Ch o o s e an u n as s ig n e d S CS I I D n u mb e rCS I c ab le is s u p p lie d wit h y o u r s c an n e r Onne c ting the s c a nne rPage Page Clo s e t h e S CS I I D c h e c k e r S ting the c onne c tionS t a llin g t h e s o f t wa r e Le ctronic re gistra tionLa cing re fle ctive origina ls Ha pte r 3 I nsta lling the sca nne r for the P C S t a lla t io n o f t h e h a r d wa r e Ins ta lla tion w ith the a gfa s upplie d SC SI c a r dS ta l l i n g th e S CS I i n te r fa c e c a r d T b ac k t h e c o v e r o f t h e P C Amag e y o u r c ardConne c ti ng the S c a nne r Ch o o s i n g a S CS I I D n u m b e rMak e s u re y o u r s c an n e r is d is c o n n e c t e d An n e rPage Ch o o s e E Z-S CS T o t h e s c re e n Ch o o s e y o u r ac t io nCh o o s e I n s t all s o f t ware Ch o o s e a g re e an d I n s t allConne c ti ng the s c a nne r Page Page Ch o o s in g a S CS I I D in t h e c o mp u t e r S ta l l i n g th e S CS I d r i v e r Indow s 9Ns ta l l i ng a ddi ti ona l s oftw a r e Ns ta l l i ng the s oftw a r eIndow s 3 .1 Indow s N T v e r s ion 3 .5 F a s c a n . e x e Indow s N T v e r s ion 4E P lac in g re f le c t iv e o rig in als Appendix a Troubleshooting E s c a n n e r d o e s n o t s ta r t u pCo n t ac t y o u r d e ale r S c a nne r r e por ts e r r or s dur i ng s c a nni ng Appendix B Technical information on the S na pS ca n 3 1 Appendix C SnapScan regulation compliance F e t y r e g u la t io n sSa fe ty Sta te m e nt V W ic htige Sic he r he its hinw e is e Le c t r o m a g n e t ic in t e r f e r e n c eCo mmu n ic at io n s d u Can ad a Na dia n de pa r tm e nt of C om m unic a tions

310 specifications

The AGFA 310 is a versatile and advanced imaging solution tailored for the needs of the modern medical imaging environment. Renowned for its reliability and high-quality output, the AGFA 310 has become a crucial tool in various healthcare settings, ranging from hospitals to clinics.

One of the standout features of the AGFA 310 is its digital radiography capabilities. It utilizes state-of-the-art imaging technology that enhances image quality while reducing exposure times. This results in clearer images with minimal noise, enabling healthcare professionals to make more accurate diagnoses. The system also supports a wide range of imaging modalities, including chest, orthopedic, and dental radiography.

At its core, the AGFA 310 incorporates advanced flat-panel detector technology. This technology captures images with high spatial resolution and dynamic range, allowing for detailed visualization of anatomical structures. The flat-panel design is not only compact but also facilitates easier positioning and workflow in clinical settings.

The AGFA 310 is equipped with user-friendly software that streamlines the imaging process. The intuitive interface allows for quick adjustments, enhancing productivity and reducing operational costs. Additionally, the system supports DICOM compatibility, ensuring seamless integration with existing hospital information systems and imaging networks.

Another significant characteristic of the AGFA 310 is its commitment to patient safety. The system is designed with features that help minimize radiation exposure without compromising image quality. This is particularly important in pediatric imaging, where the sensitivity to radiation is greater.

Moreover, the AGFA 310 promotes green technology through its energy-efficient design. It consumes less power compared to traditional imaging systems, aligning with the growing emphasis on sustainable practices in healthcare. This not only lowers operational costs for facilities but also reduces their overall environmental footprint.

In summary, the AGFA 310 stands out as a cutting-edge imaging solution that combines advanced technology, user-friendly features, and a focus on patient safety. Its digital radiography capabilities and high-quality output make it an invaluable asset in the healthcare industry, facilitating improved diagnostic accuracy and operational efficiency. Facilities that adopt the AGFA 310 can expect to enhance their imaging capabilities while prioritizing patient care and environmental responsibility.