Connecting Your Mobile Internet PC to a Network |
Sharing a Folder
To share the folder, complete the following steps:
1.Locate the folder using Microsoft Windows Explorer.
3.Click Sharing.
4.Click Shared As. The folder name is displayed automatically in the Share Name box. If you wish, you may change the share name.
5.Type a comment in the Comment text box. Typing a comment is optional.
6.Click the Access Type you wish to activate:
•Full – Others on the network will have read and write access to the file or contents of the folder. They will be able to change or possibly delete all the files in the shared folder.
•Depends on Password – You may designate a
7.Click OK.
Sharing Printers
One of the advantages of installing a network is the ability to share expensive resources, such as a printer.
Setting Up Printer Sharing
To share a printer, complete the following steps:
1.From the Windows Taskbar, click the Start button, point to Settings, then click Printers.
3.Select Shared As. You may change the Share name, add Comments, and set a Password, if desired.
4.Click OK. In the Printers window, an open hand holding the printer you shared on the network is displayed.
5.Close the Printers window.