JH Computer Services
55 Canning Highway
Victoria Park, WA 6100 karl@jhcs.com.au ryan@jhcs.com.au
Windows® . Life without WallsTM .
Acer recommends Windows 7.
TravelMate 8471 All Day Computing with Embedded 3G
| $ |
Lydia Lassila | 1549 | |||
Price |
| not | |
include 3G |
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| does |
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| data | |
Australian Winter Olympic Games Freestyle Skier and Acer Ambassador |
| plan | |
Windows® . Life without WallsTM .
An Acer Notebook with embedded 3G makes it easy to experience ultimate Internet performance while on the go.
Requires 3G data plan
Aspire 1810TZ | Travelmate 8371 | TravelMate 8471 | TravelMate 8571 |
11.6” | 13.3” | 14.1” | 15.6” |
| |||
Connect Anywhere
with Embedded 3G
Call Karl or Ryan on 08 9367 9499
Valid till 30/06/2010