Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions OmniAccess 8550 manual Deployment architecture

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Figure 1. Core OmniAccess OA8550 WSG features

A8550O We bervicS es Gateway

Run time stateful policyforcement

Identity mapping and federation

nsolidaCo ted audit trail

Deployment architecture

The OmniAccess 8550WSG is designed to be deployed in the DMZ of an organization to secure business process automation with partners (see Figure

2). The Omn iAcc ess 8550 WSG is typically installed behind the IP firewall and provides service virtualization as

well as key securit y functions to

protect the internal domain and ensure data security.

Alternatively,the OmniAccess 8550WSG can be installed in the data center to secure business processes within the organization. It allows infor mati on access policyto be consistently enforced at run time across information systems

an d can demon strate regu lat or y comp lian ce throu gh a user centric consolidated audit trail. Risk is mitigated with the proper controls and monitoring points in pla ce as well as through consistent policy enforcement across inf orm atio n system s with a user contextual knowledge of system events.

Figure 2. Typical OmniAccess 8550 WSG network deployment

HQ Office

Identity Management






OA8550 OA8550


Strategic Partner



Business Applications



2 Alcatel-Lucent 8550 Web Services Gateway

Image 2
Contents Alcatel-Lucent OmniAccess 8550 Web Services Gateway Product FeaturesDeployment architecture A8550O We bervicS es GatewayFeature group Benefit Feature description Technical specifications