Alcatel-Lucent 7342 ISAM FTTU manual 21st Century Access from a Leader in Access

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21st Century Access from a Leader in Access

Optical technology has been successfully deployed within the network core to increase capacity. The access network — the “last mile” — has remained a bottleneck, limiting the deployment of new services. Demand for broadband services has resulted in DSL tech- nologies being deployed on the existing copper-based access net- work to increase capacity. As you look to the future, you want optical technology in the last mile to provide the assurance that your networks will support your needs both today and tomorrow.

As new homes and communities are built, or aged plants are refur- bished, fiber access is becoming the preferred choice for build-out by traditional and alternative carriers alike. Your capital invest- ment is more than justified by the long-term operational cost savings and increased revenues gained while leveraging an access network with virtuallylimitlesscapacity.

Alcatel-Lucentunderstands your

access networks.Alcatel-Lucent

understands fiber optics. An

Alcatel-Lucent7342 ISAM

FTTU solution, the world’s first

standards-compliant GPON system,

issureto provide your networkwith years ofprofitable service.

Global Market and

Technology Leadership

Alcatel-Lucent is the world leader in access systems for both digital subscriber line (DSL) and digital loop carrier (DLC) equipment. With over 25 years of access deployment experience and a demonstrated track record of successful broadband deployment, Alcatel-Lucent remains a proven choice for carrier-grade access solutions. Alcatel-Lucent has designed the 7342 ISAM FTTU system to provide a future-proof all-optical access solution to let you offer any service mix your subscribers demand while realizing the benefits of increased reliability and lower maintenance expenses.

Alcatel-Lucent has led the industry from technology innovation to standardization. It is a key member of the ITU-T and FSAN standards bodies and a major contributor to the GPON standards. Alcatel- Lucent’s innovation and expertise demonstrate its commitment to providing you witha long-term strategic advantage in youraccess network theaccess network for thenextone-hundred years.

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Contents Alcatel-Lucent Alcatel-Lucent 7342 Isam Fttu Optical Broadband from the Broadband Leader Source The Yankee Group Increase Service RevenueIncremental Ebitda from Fttu Build Lower Operational CostsScalable Full-Service Solution Alcatel-Lucent 7342 Isam Fttu in a Network Service Access Alcatel-Lucent 7342 Isam Fttu End-to-End Solution Global Market Technology Leadership 21st Century Access from a Leader in Access