This section must be read carefully and followed by the user prior to the operation of the product. The manual states important instructions for the user’s own safety,and the proper operation of the product.
Ignoring or disregarding the contents of this section and improper WARNING operation of the product may result in the person’s death or seri-
ous injury.
In case of an accident,please unplug the unit from the outlet immediately.
Toreducetheriskofelectricshock,donotremovecoverorback. No user
Do not put any object that contains water - such as flowerpot - neartotheunit.Thewatermaypenetrateintotheunit,andbea causeoffireorhazardouselectricshock.
To prevent fire and damages to the product, unplug the unit from the outlet during lightning storm,or when it is left unat- tended and unused for a long period of time.
Donotletchildrenhangonorclimbontheproductsinceitmay beacauseofseriousinjury.
Holdtheplugwhenunpluggingtheunitfromtheoutlet.Thecord maycausefireorelectricshockifdamaged.
Do not cause the product to lean or put it in an unstable place sinceitmaycauseaseriousinjurytoaperson,aswellasdamage totheproductifitfalls.