!7Auxiliary Button (AUX 1,2)
These buttons toggle the auxiliary switches in the Receiver on and off.
The auxiliary switches can be used, for example, to activate equipment connected to the receiver, such as lamps and buzzers.
!8Alternate Button (ALT)
This button activates the alternate function of
!9Forward Sequence Button (FORWARD SEQ)
This button is used to run a selected Program or Tour Sequence in forward direction on the active monitor.
It also restarts a sequence forward from the step that was previously paused by pressing the Stop button.
@0Backward Sequence Button (BACK SEQ)
This button is used to restart a sequence backward from the step that was previously paused by pressing the Stop button.
@1Alarm Acknowledge and Reset Button (ACK RESET)
This button cancels an activated alarm. To cancel an alarm, first select the alarmed monitor(s), then press the ACK RESET button once for alarm acknowledgment (the indicator on the button blinks rapidly), and finally press it again for alarm reset (the indicator goes off).
After an alarm acknowledgment, pressing this button while the Alternate (ALT) indicator is on will cancel all currently activated alarms at the same time.
#1Data Ports (DATA IN, OUT)
Exchanges control data with the
#2Termination Switch (TERM ON/OFF)
This switch enables termination of the controller’s data port.
#3Controller Unit Number Switch (CONTROLLER UNIT
This switch is used to identify the unit number of the System Controller in multiple system controller applica- tions. Up to eight controllers can be installed in a sys- tem.
#4Mode Selection Switch (MODE)
These switches are used to set the mode of the System Controller connected to the Matrix Switcher. Set the switches as shown below.
Normal Mode
ON 1 2 3 4
ON 1 2 3 4
#5Controller On/Off Switch (CONTROLLER ON/OFF)
This switch is used to turn the
#6Power Cord
Refer to the Operating Instructions of the