Maintenance 72 Menu
Audio Adjust 58 Language 58 Time 56 Video Adjust 57
MENU button 16 MP3
disc repeat 54 playback features 54 track repeat 54
MP3 discs 53 MPAA 32
MUTE button 25
Number buttons 24, 26
OK button 15, 25, 26 ON•OFF button 25, 26
12, 13, 71
Pan and Scan 60 Parental controls 32 Password 33
PAUSE button 17, 25, 26, 37, 71 Picture adjust 57
Picture scan 44
Picture search options 41
PLAY button 17, 25, 26, 70, 71 Playback
fast motion 44, 52 repeat 45
slow motion 44 zoom 45
Playback features using remote 44, 52
Playing a tape 17 POWER button 70 POWER button and indicator
14, 17 Power Indicator 70 Product registration 2 PROGRAM EVENT indicator
69, 71 Programming the remote 27
Reception 43
RECORD button 71 indicator 71
RECORD button 25 Recording
Basic 17
DVD 40 Features 37
Registration 2 Remote control 14
batteries 14 buttons 24 programming 27
Remote Sensor 70 Repeat 45
A•B 45 chapter 45 title 45
REPEAT button 26 Repeat Play feature 59 Reset
audio 58 video 57
RETURN button 25, 26 REVERSE button 25, 26 REW button 71 Rewind, automatic 17
SAP (Second Audio Program) 43 SAT•CABLE button 24 Satellite Receiver
code list 29 Satellite receiver 11 Search
Index 41 options 41
Searching for channels 15 Setup, initial 15 Sharpness adjust 57
SLOW button 25 Slow motion 41 SOUND button 25, 27 SP recording speed 37
Stand and base safety information 8 Stereo sound 43
STOP button 25, 27, 70 STOP/EJECT button 17, 71 Subtitles 49
Tape playback feature 43 Time counter 42
Time Menu 56 TIMER button 25 TIMER indicator 71 Timer recording 38
Checking 39
Clearing 39
Deleting 39 Tint adjust 57 Title 48
repeat 45 TRACK+ button 25 TRACK- button 25 Tracking 42
Automatic 42 TRACKING buttons 41 Treble 58 Troubleshooting 66
TV GUIDELINES 32 rating limit 33
TV Image menu 60 TV MENU button 25
Chart for MPAA
Turning on and off 36
basic recording 17 code list 29 indicator 71
VCR button 24 VCR2 button 24
80 | Chapter 6 |